
अम्लीयवर्षा नाम वायुमण्डले यदा च विषानिलाः अधिकप्रमाणेन भवन्ति तस्मिन्नेव समये यदि वृष्टिः सम्भवति तदा वर्षया सह विषानिलाः अपि मिलित्वा भूमिं प्रविशन्ति तस्यैव अम्लीयवर्षणम् इत्युच्यते । एतदेकं प्रदूषणं विद्यते । अस्याः प्रभावः दूरगामी भवति । उद्योगतः निस्सृतानां इङ्गालाम्लानां, सल्फरडायाक्सैड्- नैट्रिक्-आक्सैड्-वायुमण्डलीयजलम् इत्यादीनां मेलनेन आम्लीयवर्षा भवति । अपि च यदा वर्षा भवति तर्हि वर्षाजलेन सह इदमाम्लं पृथिवीम् आगच्छति । अनेन सस्योत्पादनम् अवरुद्धं भवति । भवनानां हानिः अपि एतेन भवति ।
[सम्पादयतु]- National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program Report - a 98-page report to Congress (2005)
- Acid rain for schools
- Acid rain for schools - Hubbard Brook Archived २००८-०८-१५ at the Wayback Machine
- Acid Rain Retirement Fund environmental education links about acid rain Archived २०१३-०९-२७ at the Wayback Machine
- United States Environmental Protection Agency - New England Acid Rain Program (superficial)
- Acid Rain Archived २००६-०४-२१ at the Wayback Machine (more depth than ref. above)
- U.S. Geological Survey - What is acid rain?
- Acid rain analysis - freeware for simulation and evaluation of titration curves and pH calculations
- CBC Digital Archives – Acid Rain: Pollution and Politics
- Larssen, Thorjørn et al. “Acid Rain in China”. Environmental Science and Technology, 40:2, 2006, pp 418-425.
- Acid Rain: A Continuing National Tragedy - a report from The Adirondack Council on acid rain in the Adirondack region (1998)
- Assortment of Summaries on Acid Rain
- Acid rain linked to decline of the wood thrush, a songbird of the Eastern Forest Archived २००७-०७-०१ at the Wayback Machine
- Trouble in the Forest, a 1988 documentary hosted by David Suzuki
- What Happens to Acid Rain? Archived २०११-०७-२५ at the Wayback Machine
- Acid Rain and how it affects fish and other aquatic organisms Archived २०११-११-१२ at the Wayback Machine