Bacteria | ||
![]() Scanning electron micrograph of Escherichia coli bacilli
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जैविकवर्गीकरणम् | ||
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उपविभागीयस्तरः | ||
Actinobacteria (high-G+C)
Acidobacteria | ||

जीवाणवः लघुजन्तवः सन्ति। वयं तान् स्वनेत्राभ्यां द्रष्टुं न शक्नुमः। परं वयं सूक्ष्मदर्शन्या जीवाणून् द्रष्टुम् समर्थाः स्म। केचन जीवाणवः अपकारिणः। ते व्याधीहेतुकाः सन्ति अथवा भोजनम् मलिनीकुर्वन्ति। अन्ये उपकारकाः सन्ति। ते दधिदाधिके सुराम् औषधानि वा उत्पादयन्ति। तेषां विविधानि रूपाणि सन्ति - वर्तुलाकारं(coccus), कम्बु-रूपं (spirillium), पदविच्छेदचिह्नरूपं (vibrio) अण्डाकारकम् (bacillus) च। नीलजीवाणवः आहारं स्वयम् उत्पादयन्ति ।

[सम्पादयतु]- MicrobeWiki, an extensive wiki about bacteria and viruses
- Bacteria that affect crops and other plants
- Bacterial Nomenclature Up-To-Date from DSMZ Archived २००७-०९-२९ at the Wayback Machine
- Genera of the domain Bacteria – list of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature
- The largest bacteria Archived २०१२-१२-११ at the Wayback Machine
- Tree of Life: Eubacteria Archived २०१४-१०-२१ at the Wayback Machine
- Videos Archived २०१५-११-०५ at the Wayback Machine of bacteria swimming and tumbling, use of optical tweezers and other videos.
- Planet of the Bacteria by Stephen Jay Gould
- On-line text book on bacteriology Archived २००८-०९-१३ at the Wayback Machine
- Animated guide to bacterial cell structure.
- Bacteria Make Major Evolutionary Shift in the Lab
- Online collaboration for bacterial taxonomy.
- PATRIC, a Bioinformatics Resource Center for bacterial pathogens, funded by NIAID
- Bacterial Chemotaxis Interactive Simulator – A web-app that uses several simple algorithms to simulate bacterial chemotaxis.
- Cell-Cell Communication in Bacteria Archived २००९-०१-३० at the Wayback Machine on-line lecture by Bonnie Bassler, and TED: Discovering bacteria's amazing communication system Archived २०११-१२-०५ at the Wayback Machine