![]() पुरालेखः |
[सम्पादयतु]नमः सर्वेभ्यः, चण्डीगढ-महानगरे भारत-विकि-समुदायस्य गोष्ठी 2016 तमे वर्षे आसीत्। तत्र शैक्षणिक-कार्यशालायाः विषयेऽपि मार्गदर्शनं जातम् आसीत्। User:TFlanagan-WMF द्वारा काश्चन सामग्र्यः प्रदत्ताः तदा आङ्ग्लभाषायां विद्यमानानां तासं सामग्रीणां संस्कृतानुवादाय सङ्कल्पः कृतः आसीत्। अधुना तत् कार्यं पूर्णं कृतम् अस्ति। अतः संस्कृत-विकिपीडिया-जालस्य कृतेऽपि कार्यशाला-सामग्री उपलब्धा आस्ति। परन्तु तस्य मुद्रणाय अनुदानम् आवश्यकम्। CIS A2k संस्थायै अनुदानाय अत्र आवेदनं कृतम् अस्ति। अतः समर्थनं कृत्वा मुद्रणकार्यस्य मार्गं प्रशस्थं कुर्वन्तु।
--> मुद्रणसामग्री अत्र अस्ति।
ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ १२:५५, १७ अप्रैल २०१७ (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]- प्रतिवर्षं आ भारतं विभिन्नविश्वविद्यालयेषु संस्कृतविकिपीडिया-जालस्य परिचयात्मिका, प्रयोगात्मिका च कार्यशाला भवति। तस्यां कार्यशालायाम् उपस्थितानां प्रतिभागिनां ज्ञानवर्धनाय, सहायकसाहित्यस्य पूर्त्यै च एतस्य विवरणिकायाः मुद्रणम् आवश्यकम् अस्ति।
- सम्प्रति अखिले भारते कुत्रापि संस्कृतविश्वविद्यालये शैक्षणिकप्रकल्पस्य उपस्थितिः नास्ति। शैक्षणिककार्यक्रमस्य अर्थः अत्र विकिपीडिया-जालेन सह विश्वविद्यालयस्य स्वैच्छिकसहयोगस्य निर्धारणम्(MOU)। तस्य कृते बहुवारं प्रयासाः जाताः, जायन्ते च। परन्तु एतादृशं साहित्यमेव तस्य कृते विश्वविद्यालस्य, प्राध्यापकस्य, शिक्षकस्य, विद्यार्थिनः च कृते मार्गदर्शिकत्वं वहेत।
- अन्यासु बह्व्यासु भाषासु पूर्वमेव प्रकाशनं जातम् अस्ति। अत्र पश्यन्तु कृपया। समुदायस्य विकासाय अस्माभिः अपि एतत् करणीयम् इति।
[सम्पादयतु]यतो हि वितरणनीतिः एव मुद्रणस्य प्रयोजनम्, आवश्यकतां सिद्धयति, अतः अत्र काञ्चन नीतिसम्बद्धान् अंशान् लिखामि। मुद्रिताः विवरणिकाः गुजरातराज्ये मम (नेहलः दवे) पार्श्वे भविष्यन्ति। यतो हि बेंगळुरु-महानगरे अपि बहवः कार्यकर्तारः सक्रियाः सन्ति, अतः तत्रापि अर्धः भागः भविष्यति। अतः यत्र समीपं भवति, तत्र याच्ञा शक्या।
- ये विकि-स्वयंसेवकाः कार्यशालायाः आयोजने, सञ्चालने च निरताः सन्ति, तेषां याच्ञायाः अनुसारं वयं विवरणिकाः दद्मः।
- यतो हि विभिन्नविश्वविद्यालयाः संस्कृतविकिपीडिया-जालस्य कृते जिज्ञासवः सन्ति, अतः विभिन्नेभ्यः विश्वविद्यालयेभ्यः, तदन्तर्गतमहाविद्यालयेभ्यश्च वयं केवलं प्राध्यापकानां कृते विवरणिकाः प्रेषयिष्यामः। ततः कार्यशालायाः आयोजनावसरे वयं विद्यार्थिभ्यः अपि विवरणिकाः दास्यामः।
- संस्कृतसम्बद्धाः अनेके कार्यक्रमाः आ भारतं जायन्ते। तत्र संस्कृत-विकिपीडिया-जालस्यापि प्रचारार्थं वयम् आपणत्वेन प्रचारकार्यं कर्तुं शक्नुमः। तस्मिन् समये विवरणिकाः एताः उपयोगिन्यः भविष्यन्ति।
कृपया एतस्मिन् सन्दर्भे स्वस्य मतं, विचारं वा प्रस्थापयतु। अस्तु। ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०४:५३, २२ नवम्बर २०१७ (UTC)
देवनागरी-अङ्कम् उत्सर्गत्वेन स्थापयितुम्
[सम्पादयतु]नमः सर्वेभ्यः! संस्कृतभाषायाः विकिपीडिया, विकिस्रोतः, विकिसूक्तिः, विकिशब्दकोशः, विकिपुस्तकम् इत्यादीनां प्रकल्पानाम् अङ्काः देवनागर्याम् एव उत्सर्गत्वेन भवेयुः इति समुदायस्य दीर्घकालीनः विचारः आसीत्। परन्तु कथं करणीयम् इति अस्पष्टम् आसीत्। जयप्रकाशमहोदयः तत्सम्बद्धं मार्गं प्राप्तवान् अस्ति। परन्तु तस्य कृते अस्माकं संस्कृतभाषायाः सर्वप्रकल्पानां समुदायैः देवनागरी-अङ्काः उत्सर्गत्वेन स्थापयितुं समर्थनं करणीयम् इति प्रथमं सोपानम्। अतः सर्वेभ्यः निवेदयामि यत्, कृपया कार्येऽस्मिन् अत्र स्वस्य समर्थनं कृत्वा साहाय्यं करोतु इति। ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०९:५२, १३ जनवरी २०१८ (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]समर्थनम् अतीव महत्त्वपूर्णं कार्यम्। प्रतिमा (चर्चा) १०:१९, १३ जनवरी २०१८ (UTC)
समर्थनम्- Sayant Mahato talk ०५:३९, १ जून २०१८ (UTC)
समर्थनम्- शुभा (चर्चा) ०५:५३, १ जून २०१८ (UTC)
समर्थनम्-Narayanan V T (चर्चा) ०५:५९, १ जून २०१८ (UTC)
समर्थनम्-Pranavasagar (चर्चा) १३:०३, ३० जनवरी २०२० (UTC)
समर्थनम्-Dineshswamiin (चर्चा) १६:०९, १९ फेब्रवरी २०२१ (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]संस्कृत में न लिखने के लिए क्षमा चाहूंगा। संस्कृत विकिपीडिया पर विकिडाटा को लेकर क्या विचार है कृपया मार्गदर्शन करें। धन्यवाद। Capankajsmilyo (चर्चा) १८:२३, २९ मार्च २०१८ (UTC)
- विकिडेटा से अवश्य ही संस्कृत विकिपीडिया में कार्य किया जा सकता है। परन्तु मेरा अनुभव रहा है कि, विकिडेटा से लिया गया चल (element) अधिकतर आङ्ग्लभाषा में होता है। हमें केवल संस्कृतभाषा में ही चल चाहिये। यदि ऐसा कर सकते हैं, तो हम आरम्भिक स्तर पर कुछ प्रयोगों को देखकर कुछ निर्णय ले सकते हैं। हमें ये तो ज्ञात है, कि विकिडेटा से कार्य सरल होता है, परन्तु विकिडेटा से हुई समस्याओं को भी हमने देखा है, जैसे कहा कि आङ्ग्लभाषा में दिखना और दूसरा सभी चलों का न दिखना। मैं कुछ उदाहरण खोज कर आपको दिखाऊँगा। अस्तु। ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ११:३१, १ अप्रैल २०१८ (UTC)
- अत्रिः इस लेख में देख सकते हैं, जो मैं कह रहा हूँ। इसका समाधान मिले, तो आगे बढ़ा जा सके। अस्तु। ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ११:३८, १ अप्रैल २०१८ (UTC)
- The infobox used was incorrect hence info was in English. There is no historical evidence of the subject and hence, we must use {{infobox character}}. That does not have birth date and death date, so English content won't display. Capankajsmilyo (चर्चा) ०५:५०, ५ अप्रैल २०१८ (UTC)
- अत्रिः इस लेख में देख सकते हैं, जो मैं कह रहा हूँ। इसका समाधान मिले, तो आगे बढ़ा जा सके। अस्तु। ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ११:३८, १ अप्रैल २०१८ (UTC)
- विकिडेटा से अवश्य ही संस्कृत विकिपीडिया में कार्य किया जा सकता है। परन्तु मेरा अनुभव रहा है कि, विकिडेटा से लिया गया चल (element) अधिकतर आङ्ग्लभाषा में होता है। हमें केवल संस्कृतभाषा में ही चल चाहिये। यदि ऐसा कर सकते हैं, तो हम आरम्भिक स्तर पर कुछ प्रयोगों को देखकर कुछ निर्णय ले सकते हैं। हमें ये तो ज्ञात है, कि विकिडेटा से कार्य सरल होता है, परन्तु विकिडेटा से हुई समस्याओं को भी हमने देखा है, जैसे कहा कि आङ्ग्लभाषा में दिखना और दूसरा सभी चलों का न दिखना। मैं कुछ उदाहरण खोज कर आपको दिखाऊँगा। अस्तु। ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ११:३१, १ अप्रैल २०१८ (UTC)
- Why this? Capankajsmilyo (चर्चा) ०४:४०, १४ अप्रैल २०१८ (UTC)
- Although my action was proper, for you only I have reverted my edit in person template. I had given example to you of अत्रिः article. There was English element in infobox, but after your changes English content disappeared. So please ether make the way to Sanskrit element or English element. Disappearance will be very bad for the page. Please let's know if you find any way. Thank you. ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०५:२०, १४ अप्रैल २०१८ (UTC)
- So do you want English element back? As I explained, that the article was about a person whose historicity is disputed. There's no reliable evidence regarding dating of the subject. So using infobox person was a bad decision. Hence I changed the infobox to Infobox character. If there are reliable evidences of the person being worshipped, you can use infobox deity as well. Capankajsmilyo (चर्चा) ०५:३०, १४ अप्रैल २०१८ (UTC)
- Although my action was proper, for you only I have reverted my edit in person template. I had given example to you of अत्रिः article. There was English element in infobox, but after your changes English content disappeared. So please ether make the way to Sanskrit element or English element. Disappearance will be very bad for the page. Please let's know if you find any way. Thank you. ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०५:२०, १४ अप्रैल २०१८ (UTC)
- Let me clear myself on this point. We don't want to see any English word or number in sa.wiki. But deletion or hiding of information will not better solution also. So we want to find a way for appearance of Sanskrit at every place, but simultaneously we don't want to delete or hid any information from sa.wiki due to English. So please help us to put Sanskrit in place of English information as much as possible, but don't delete or hid any information. By the way, Thank you for your help in Kitten. I'll translate it. It is your beginning in sa.wiki, so some confusion will be there. But don't mind, do your work on Sandbox and after success (discussion) we will put it in main stream. I hope you are getting my indication about "Sandbox". ;) Keep edit. ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०७:०६, १४ अप्रैल २०१८ (UTC)
- So do you want everything in sandbox first? That's very cumbersome and demotivational. The approach I follow is definite edits in main template, and unsure edits in sandbox. Plus if anything breaks / community disagree, then revert and move to sandbox. For the current state (after my edits) please mention disputed / broken testcases (if any). I'll be happy to resolve or move my code to sandbox myself. Regarding article on Atri, one parameter has now appeared. Let me know if you want others, I'll be happy to amend and update {{Infobox character}}. Capankajsmilyo (चर्चा) ०८:११, १४ अप्रैल २०१८ (UTC)
- Hello.
I'm facing a similar problem with the infobox. While editing the code of a few language articles, I found that whenever I assign a value to the 'date' parameter of the 'Infobox language', instead of the value assigned to the 'speakers' parameter, the page displays "वाचनिकदोषः : अनपेक्षितम् उद्गारचिह्नम २". To temporarily reoslve this I have assigned the value 'NA' to the 'date' parameter. But the article has now come under the 'Language articles with NA population dates' category. Here's an example. Please help to fix this.करुणेश कुमार शुक्ल (चर्चा) १२:१९, ५ जून् २०२१ (UTC)
- Hello.
आयात अनुरोध
[सम्पादयतु]कृपया यहाँ से MobileCategories gadget संस्कृत विकिपीडिया पर आयात कर दे। धन्यवाद। Capankajsmilyo (चर्चा) ०३:१९, ७ मई २०१८ (UTC)
- किया है, एक बार देख लेवें। अस्तु। ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०५:०९, ७ मई २०१८ (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]Birgit Müller (WMDE) १४:५४, ७ मई २०१८ (UTC)
Correction of special page names in Sanskrit
[सम्पादयतु]नमस्ते सर्वेभ्यः ! एतस्यां सञ्चिकायां बहूनि नामानि अशुद्धानि सन्ति । तेषां नाम्नां परिष्काराय मया अत्र मत्कुणः (Bug) प्रस्थापितः अस्ति । तस्य अनुवादकार्यं अत्र अहं करोमि । अनुवादकार्ये साहाय्यं कर्तुं तत्र सम्पादनं कर्तुं शक्नोति । अत्र उत तत्र स्वमतं दत्त्वा योग्यशब्दस्य योग्यानुवादस्य वा चयनप्रक्रियायां भागं वोढुं शक्नुवन्ति । अस्तु । ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०६:४८, १३ जून २०१५ (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]- Sayant Mahato talk ०१:२४, १० मई २०१८ (UTC)
उद्धरणस्य नवीनसंस्करणम्
[सम्पादयतु]अद्य अस्माकं जाले यत् उद्धरणस्य नवीनं संस्करणम् अस्ति, तत् अतीव पुरातनम् अस्ति। तस्य अद्यतनं संस्करणम् उन्नतप्रशिक्षणकार्यालायां प्रदर्शितम् अतः अहं तस्य आयातनं कर्तुम् उद्यतः। यदि पश्चात् समुदायः तत्र किमपि अनौचित्यम् अनुभवति, तर्हि अपाकर्तुं वा परिवर्तनं कर्तुं शक्नुमः। स्वविचारम् अत्र उपस्थापयितुं शक्नोति। ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ११:२६, ३० जून २०१८ (UTC)
Global preferences are available
[सम्पादयतु]Global preferences are now available, you can set them by visiting your new global preferences page. Visit mediawiki.org for information on how to use them and leave feedback. -- Keegan (WMF) (talk)
१९:१९, १० जुलाई २०१८ (UTC)
New user group for editing sitewide CSS / JS
[सम्पादयतु](कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें)
Hi all!
To improve the security of our readers and editors, permission handling for CSS/JS pages has changed. (These are pages like MediaWiki:Common.css
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A new user group, interface-admin
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Starting four weeks from now, only members of this group will be able edit CSS/JS pages that they do not own (that is, any page ending with .css
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You can learn more about the motivation behind the change here.
Please add users who need to edit CSS/JS to the new group (this can be done the same way new administrators are added, by stewards or local bureaucrats). This is a dangerous permission; a malicious user or a hacker taking over the account of a careless interface-admin can abuse it in far worse ways than admin permissions could be abused. Please only assign it to users who need it, who are trusted by the community, and who follow common basic password and computer security practices (use strong passwords, do not reuse passwords, use two-factor authentication if possible, do not install software of questionable origin on your machine, use antivirus software if that's a standard thing in your environment).
Tgr (talk) १७:४५, ३० जुलाई २०१८ (UTC) (via global message delivery)
विशेष - प्रबंधकीय सक्रियता समीक्षा
[सम्पादयतु]नमस्ते। कुछ समय पहले वैश्विक समुदाय मतैक्य से प्रबंधक और प्रशासक जैसे उन्नत सदस्य अधिकारों को हटाने के बारे में एक नयी नीति लागू की गई थी। आपके समुदाय को इस सम्बन्ध में सूचना दी गयी थी। इस नीति के अनुसार स्टूअर्ड छोटे विकियों के प्रबंधकों की सक्रियता को जाँच रहे हैं। जहाँ तक हमें जानकारी है, आपकी विकी पर "असक्रिय खातों" से ये अधिकार हटाने के सम्बन्ध में कोई नीति नहीं है। इसका अर्थ है कि स्टूअर्ड अब से प्रबंधक सक्रियता समीक्षा के अंतर्गत इसका ध्यान रखेंगे।
हमने निर्धारित किया है कि निम्नलिखित सदस्य निष्क्रियता मानदंडों को पूर्ण करते हैं (दो वर्षों से अधिक समय से कोई संपादन एवं लॉग कार्रवाई नहीं):
- Hemant wikikosh (प्रबंधक)
इन सदस्यों को जल्द ही सूचित किया जाएगा कि यदि वे कुछ या सभी सदस्य अधिकार रखना चाहते हैं तो समुदाय से चर्चा करें। यदि वे सदस्य प्रतिक्रिया नहीं देते हैं तो उनके अधिकार स्टूअर्डों द्वारा वापिस ले लिए जाएँगे।
यदि आपका समुदाय सक्रियता समीक्षा की अपनी अलग प्रक्रिया बनाना चाहे जो वैश्विक नीति के ऊपर हो, या इन खातों के सम्बन्ध में कोई अन्य निर्णय लेना चाहे तो आप ऐसा कर सकते हैं। यह भी संभव है कि यहाँ इस सम्बन्ध में कोई नीति है जो हमसे छूट गयी है। यदि इनमें से कुछ भी हो तो कृपया मेटा-विकि पर स्टूअर्डों को सूचित कर दें ताकि हम ये जान सकें कि इस विकि के लिए अधिकार समीक्षा नहीं करनी है। धन्यवाद, Rschen7754 ०५:५९, १० अगस्त २०१८ (UTC)
Editing of sitewide CSS/JS is only possible for interface administrators from now
[सम्पादयतु](कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें)
Hi all,
as announced previously, permission handling for CSS/JS pages has changed: only members of the interface-admin
(अन्तरफलक प्रबंधक) group, and a few highly privileged global groups such as stewards, can edit CSS/JS pages that they do not own (that is, any page ending with .css or .js that is either in the MediaWiki: namespace or is another user's user subpage). This is done to improve the security of readers and editors of Wikimedia projects. More information is available at Creation of separate user group for editing sitewide CSS/JS. If you encounter any unexpected problems, please contact me or file a bug.
Tgr (talk) १२:४०, २७ अगस्त २०१८ (UTC) (via global message delivery)
Read-only mode for up to an hour on 12 September and 10 October
[सम्पादयतु]Read this message in another language • कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
The Wikimedia Foundation will be testing its secondary data centre. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
They will switch all traffic to the secondary data center on Wednesday, 12 September 2018. On Wednesday, 10 October 2018, they will switch back to the primary data center.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop when we switch. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Wednesday, 12 September and Wednesday, 10 October. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 10:00 EDT, 07:00 PDT, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 02:00 NZST on Thursday 13 September and Thursday 11 October).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- There will be code freezes for the weeks of 10 September 2018 and 8 October 2018. Non-essential code deployments will not happen.
This project may be postponed if necessary. You can read the schedule at wikitech.wikimedia.org. Any changes will be announced in the schedule. There will be more notifications about this. Please share this information with your community. /User:Johan(WMF) (talk)
१३:३३, ६ सितम्बर २०१८ (UTC)
सिंह शब्द की उत्पत्ति
[सम्पादयतु]क्या 'सिंह' शब्द संस्कृत भाषा में तमिल भाषा से लिया गया है?Dinesh smita (चर्चा) ०३:१९, २८ सितम्बर २०१८ (UTC)
Editing News #2—2018
[सम्पादयतु]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter

Did you know?
Did you know that you can use the visual editor on a mobile device?

Tap on the pencil icon to start editing. The page will probably open in the wikitext editor.
You will see another pencil icon in the toolbar. Tap on that pencil icon to the switch between visual editing and wikitext editing.

Remember to publish your changes when you're done.
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use the visual editor.Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team has wrapped up most of their work on the 2017 wikitext editor and the visual diff tool. The team has begun investigating the needs of editors who use mobile devices. Their work board is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are fixing bugs and improving mobile editing.
Recent changes
[सम्पादयतु]- The Editing team has published an initial report about mobile editing.
- The Editing team has begun a design study of visual editing on the mobile website. New editors have trouble doing basic tasks on a smartphone, such as adding links to Wikipedia articles. You can read the report.
- The Reading team is working on a separate mobile-based contributions project.
- The 2006 wikitext editor is no longer supported. If you used that toolbar, then you will no longer see any toolbar. You may choose another editing tool in your editing preferences, local gadgets, or beta features.
- The Editing team described the history and status of VisualEditor in this recorded public presentation (starting at 29 minutes, 30 seconds).
- The Language team released a new version of Content Translation (CX2) last month, on International Translation Day. It integrates the visual editor to support templates, tables, and images. It also produces better wikitext when the translated article is published. [१]
Let's work together
[सम्पादयतु]- The Editing team wants to improve visual editing on the mobile website. Please read their ideas and tell the team what you think would help editors who use the mobile site.
- The Community Wishlist Survey begins next week.
- If you aren't reading this in your preferred language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly. We will notify you when the next issue is ready for translation. कृतज्ञतां निवेदयामि !
१४:१७, २ नवम्बर २०१८ (UTC)
Change coming to how certain templates will appear on the mobile web
[सम्पादयतु]Change coming to how certain templates will appear on the mobile web
कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें

In a few weeks the Readers web team will be changing how some templates look on the mobile web site. We will make these templates more noticeable when viewing the article. We ask for your help in updating any templates that don't look correct.
What kind of templates? Specifically templates that notify readers and contributors about issues with the content of an article – the text and information in the article. Examples like Template:Unreferenced or Template:More citations needed. Right now these notifications are hidden behind a link under the title of an article. We will format templates like these (mostly those that use Template:Ambox or message box templates in general) to show a short summary under the page title. You can tap on the "Learn more" link to get more information.
For template editors we have some recommendations on how to make templates that are mobile-friendly and also further documentation on our work so far.
If you have questions about formatting templates for mobile, please leave a note on the project talk page or file a task in Phabricator and we will help you.
कृतज्ञतां निवेदयामि !
CKoerner (WMF) (talk) १९:३५, १३ नवम्बर २०१८ (UTC)
TWL Con (2019 India)
[सम्पादयतु]Please help translate to your language
Dear all,
I am happy to announce that the applications for TWL Con (2019 India), a mini-conference around The Wikipedia Library (TWL) and library outreach for Wikimedia projects in India are now open. The application form is available here. Last date is 25 November 2018. The event is to be held in January 2019. The eligibility guidelines are applicable as mentioned here. -- Shypoetess (चर्चा) १८:४८, १९ नवम्बर २०१८ (UTC)
Community Wishlist Survey vote
[सम्पादयतु]The Community Wishlist Survey. कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें.
Hey everyone,
The Community Wishlist Survey is the process when the Wikimedia communities decide what the Wikimedia Foundation Community Tech should work on over the next year.
The Community Tech team is focused on tools for experienced Wikimedia editors. The communities have now posted a long list of technical proposals. You can vote on the proposals from now until 30 November. You can read more on the wishlist survey page.
/User:Johan (WMF)१८:१३, २२ नवम्बर २०१८ (UTC)
Reminder TWL Con (2019 India)
[सम्पादयतु]Please help translate to your language
Dear all,
It is to remind you that the applications for TWL Con (2019 India), a mini-conference around The Wikipedia Library (TWL) and library outreach for Wikimedia projects in India are open only till tomorrow i.e. 25 November 2018. The application form is available here. The event is to be held in January 2019. The eligibility guidelines are applicable as mentioned here. Kindly fill out the form as soon as possible -- Shypoetess (चर्चा) १८:२३, २४ नवम्बर २०१८ (UTC)
Advanced Search
[सम्पादयतु]Johanna Strodt (WMDE) (talk) ११:०३, २६ नवम्बर २०१८ (UTC)
New Wikimedia password policy and requirements
[सम्पादयतु]कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
The Wikimedia Foundation security team is implementing a new password policy and requirements. You can learn more about the project on MediaWiki.org.
These new requirements will apply to new accounts and privileged accounts. New accounts will be required to create a password with a minimum length of 8 characters. Privileged accounts will be prompted to update their password to one that is at least 10 characters in length.
These changes are planned to be in effect on December 13th. If you think your work or tools will be affected by this change, please let us know on the talk page.
कृतज्ञतां निवेदयामि !
CKoerner (WMF) (talk) २०:०३, ६ दिसम्बर २०१८ (UTC)
Invitation from Wiki Loves Love 2019
[सम्पादयतु]कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें

Love is an important subject for humanity and it is expressed in different cultures and regions in different ways across the world through different gestures, ceremonies, festivals and to document expression of this rich and beautiful emotion, we need your help so we can share and spread the depth of cultures that each region has, the best of how people of that region, celebrate love.
Wiki Loves Love (WLL) is an international photography competition of Wikimedia Commons with the subject love testimonials happening in the month of February.
The primary goal of the competition is to document love testimonials through human cultural diversity such as monuments, ceremonies, snapshot of tender gesture, and miscellaneous objects used as symbol of love; to illustrate articles in the worldwide free encyclopedia Wikipedia, and other Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) projects.
The theme of 2019 iteration is Celebrations, Festivals, Ceremonies and rituals of love.
Sign up your affiliate or individually at Participants page.
To know more about the contest, check out our Commons Page and FAQs
There are several prizes to grab. Hope to see you spreading love this February with Wiki Loves Love!
Kind regards,
Imagine... the sum of all love!
--MediaWiki message delivery (चर्चा) १०:१३, २७ दिसम्बर २०१८ (UTC)
FileExporter beta feature
A new beta feature will soon be released on all wikis: The FileExporter. It allows exports of files from a local wiki to Wikimedia Commons, including their file history and page history. Which files can be exported is defined by each wiki's community: Please check your wiki's configuration file if you want to use this feature.
The FileExporter has already been a beta feature on mediawiki.org, meta.wikimedia, deWP, faWP, arWP, koWP and on wikisource.org. After some functionality was added, it's now becoming a beta feature on all wikis. Deployment is planned for January 16. More information can be found on the project page.
As always, feedback is highly appreciated. If you want to test the FileExporter, please activate it in your user preferences. The best place for feedback is the central talk page. Thank you from Wikimedia Deutschland's Technical Wishes project.
Johanna Strodt (WMDE) ०९:४१, १४ जनवरी २०१९ (UTC)
No editing for 30 minutes on 17 January
[सम्पादयतु]१८:५४, १६ जनवरी २०१९ (UTC)
Talk to us about talking
The Wikimedia Foundation is planning a global consultation about communication. The goal is to bring Wikimedians and wiki-minded people together to improve tools for communication.
We want all contributors to be able to talk to each other on the wikis, whatever their experience, their skills or their devices.
We are looking for input from as many different parts of the Wikimedia community as possible. It will come from multiple projects, in multiple languages, and with multiple perspectives.
We are currently planning the consultation. We need your help.
We need volunteers to help talk to their communities or user groups.
You can help by hosting a discussion at your wiki. Here's what to do:
- First, sign up your group here.
- Next, create a page (or a section on a Village pump, or an e-mail thread – whatever is natural for your group) to collect information from other people in your group. This is not a vote or decision-making discussion: we are just collecting feedback.
- Then ask people what they think about communication processes. We want to hear stories and other information about how people communicate with each other on and off wiki. Please consider asking these five questions:
- When you want to discuss a topic with your community, what tools work for you, and what problems block you?
- What about talk pages works for newcomers, and what blocks them?
- What do others struggle with in your community about talk pages?
- What do you wish you could do on talk pages, but can't due to the technical limitations?
- What are the important aspects of a "wiki discussion"?
- Finally, please go to Talk pages consultation 2019 on Mediawiki.org and report what you learned from your group. Please include links if the discussion is available to the public.
You can also help build the list of the many different ways people talk to each other.
Not all groups active on wikis or around wikis use the same way to discuss things: it can happen on wiki, on social networks, through external tools... Tell us how your group communicates.
You can read more about the overall process on mediawiki.org. If you have questions or ideas, you can leave feedback about the consultation process in the language you prefer.
Thank you! We're looking forward to talking with you.
Trizek (WMF) १५:०१, २१ फरवरी २०१९ (UTC)
Read-only mode for up to 30 minutes on 11 April
[सम्पादयतु]१०:५६, ८ अप्रैल २०१९ (UTC)
Wikimedia Foundation Medium-Term Plan feedback request
[सम्पादयतु]कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
New multiwiki system
[सम्पादयतु]Hello, kindly translate this message for the community. I would like to introduce a new initiative by Yurik at Multilingual Templates and Modules. The tech and non-tech people from this wikipedia are invited to share their views and facilitate its implementation here. Thanks Capankajsmilyo (चर्चा) ०८:१७, २५ अप्रैल २०१९ (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]Sorry to post in English. Please translate for the community. I would like to grant bot DiBabelYurikBot written by Yurik a bot flag. The bot makes it possible for many wikis to share templates and modules, and helps with the translations. See project page. Capankajsmilyo (चर्चा) १७:०६, २६ अप्रैल २०१९ (UTC)
Hangout invitation
[सम्पादयतु]I have created a hangout to improve collaboration and coordination among editors of various wiki projects. I would like to invite you as well. Please share your email to pankajjainmr@gmail.com to join. Thanks Capankajsmilyo (चर्चा) १६:३२, २९ अप्रैल २०१९ (UTC)
विशेष - प्रबंधकीय सक्रियता समीक्षा
[सम्पादयतु]नमस्ते। कुछ समय पहले वैश्विक समुदाय मतैक्य से प्रबंधक और प्रशासक जैसे उन्नत सदस्य अधिकारों को हटाने के बारे में एक नयी नीति लागू की गई थी। आपके समुदाय को इस सम्बन्ध में सूचना दी गयी थी। इस नीति के अनुसार स्टूअर्ड छोटे विकियों के प्रबंधकों की सक्रियता को जाँच रहे हैं। जहाँ तक हमें जानकारी है, आपकी विकी पर "असक्रिय खातों" से ये अधिकार हटाने के सम्बन्ध में कोई नीति नहीं है। इसका अर्थ है कि स्टूअर्ड अब से प्रबंधक सक्रियता समीक्षा के अंतर्गत इसका ध्यान रखेंगे।
हमने निर्धारित किया है कि निम्नलिखित सदस्य निष्क्रियता मानदंडों को पूर्ण करते हैं (दो वर्षों से अधिक समय से कोई संपादन एवं लॉग कार्रवाई नहीं):
- Eukesh (प्रबंधक)
इन सदस्यों को जल्द ही सूचित किया जाएगा कि यदि वे कुछ या सभी सदस्य अधिकार रखना चाहते हैं तो समुदाय से चर्चा करें। यदि वे सदस्य प्रतिक्रिया नहीं देते हैं तो उनके अधिकार स्टूअर्डों द्वारा वापिस ले लिए जाएँगे।
यदि आपका समुदाय सक्रियता समीक्षा की अपनी अलग प्रक्रिया बनाना चाहे जो वैश्विक नीति के ऊपर हो, या इन खातों के सम्बन्ध में कोई अन्य निर्णय लेना चाहे तो आप ऐसा कर सकते हैं। यह भी संभव है कि यहाँ इस सम्बन्ध में कोई नीति है जो हमसे छूट गयी है। यदि इनमें से कुछ भी हो तो कृपया मेटा-विकि पर स्टूअर्डों को सूचित कर दें ताकि हम ये जान सकें कि इस विकि के लिए अधिकार समीक्षा नहीं करनी है। धन्यवाद, Rschen7754 ०३:२५, १९ जून २०१९ (UTC)
Stepping back from the admin/bureaucrat hats on sawiki
[सम्पादयतु]Hello everyone, it has been quite a long time since I've been here, and I have fond memories from my time in sawiki. Mostly due to my prolonged inactivity and a tiny bit due to an unpleasant atmosphere over at my home enwiki, I will request the Stewards to remove my bureaucrat and sysop flags on this wiki. Despite me not being fully at ease with the actions of the WMF (until further clarification is provided), I fully acknowledge and appreciate their support in the fledgling days of sawiki, and would like to thank them and my fellow sawiki contributors for the good memories. I wish you a good continuation in your work here! (Procedural note: please continue to approach local bureaucrats/sysops or the Stewards for any user rights changes.) MikeLynch (चर्चा) ११:०६, २८ जून २०१९ (UTC)
Editing News #1—July 2019
[सम्पादयतु]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter

Did you know?
Did you know that you can use the visual editor on a mobile device?
Every article has a pencil icon at the top. Tap on the pencil icon to start editing.
Edit Cards

This is what the new Edit Cards for editing links in the mobile visual editor look like. You can try the prototype here: 📲 Try Edit Cards.
Welcome back to the Editing newsletter.
Since the last newsletter, the team has released two new features for the mobile visual editor and has started developing three more. All of this work is part of the team's goal to make editing on mobile web simpler.
Before talking about the team's recent releases, we have a question for you:
Are you willing to try a new way to add and change links?
If you are interested, we would value your input! You can try this new link tool in the mobile visual editor on a separate wiki.
Follow these instructions and share your experience:
Recent releases
[सम्पादयतु]The mobile visual editor is a simpler editing tool, for smartphones and tablets using the mobile site. The Editing team recently launched two new features to improve the mobile visual editor:
- Section editing
- The purpose is to help contributors focus on their edits.
- The team studied this with an A/B test. This test showed that contributors who could use section editing were 1% more likely to publish the edits they started than people with only full-page editing.
- Loading overlay
- The purpose is to smooth the transition between reading and editing.
Section editing and the new loading overlay are now available to everyone using the mobile visual editor.
New and active projects
[सम्पादयतु]This is a list of our most active projects. Watch these pages to learn about project updates and to share your input on new designs, prototypes and research findings.
- Edit cards: This is a clearer way to add and edit links, citations, images, templates, etc. in articles. You can try this feature now. Go here to see how: 📲 Try Edit Cards.
- Mobile toolbar refresh: This project will learn if contributors are more successful when the editing tools are easier to recognize.
- Mobile visual editor availability: This A/B test asks: Are newer contributors more successful if they use the mobile visual editor? We are collaborating with 20 Wikipedias to answer this question.
- Usability improvements: This project will make the mobile visual editor easier to use. The goal is to let contributors stay focused on editing and to feel more confident in the editing tools.
Looking ahead
[सम्पादयतु]- Wikimania: Several members of the Editing Team will be attending Wikimania in August 2019. They will lead a session about mobile editing in the Community Growth space. Talk to the team about how editing can be improved.
- Talk Pages: In the coming months, the Editing Team will begin improving talk pages and communication on the wikis.
Learning more
[सम्पादयतु]The VisualEditor on mobile is a good place to learn more about the projects we are working on. The team wants to talk with you about anything related to editing. If you have something to say or ask, please leave a message at Talk:VisualEditor on mobile.
१८:३२, २३ जुलाई २०१९ (UTC)
New tools and IP masking
[सम्पादयतु]Hey everyone,
The Wikimedia Foundation wants to work on two things that affect how we patrol changes and handle vandalism and harassment. We want to make the tools that are used to handle bad edits better. We also want to get better privacy for unregistered users so their IP addresses are no longer shown to everyone in the world. We would not hide IP addresses until we have better tools for patrolling.
We have an idea of what tools could be working better and how a more limited access to IP addresses would change things, but we need to hear from more wikis. You can read more about the project on Meta and post comments and feedback. Now is when we need to hear from you to be able to give you better tools to handle vandalism, spam and harassment.
You can post in your language if you can't write in English.
Johan (WMF)१४:१८, २१ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)
प्राजेक्ट् टैगर् सपोर्ट् योजना (Soorya Hebbar)
[सम्पादयतु]अहं प्राजेक्ट् टैगर् योजनायां भागं वोढुम् इच्छामि। तत्र आयोजकाः साहाय्यं कुर्वन्ति। कृपया अनुमोदनं करोतु। (प्राजेक्ट् टैगर् परियोजना) मम योगदानानि अत्र सन्ति। योगदानानि--Soorya Hebbar (चर्चा) ०६:१२, २६ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]समर्थनम् I support his candidature. -Sayant Mahato talk ०६:०७, २६ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)
समर्थनम् I fully support Mr.Surya's candidature. -Surekha Kamath (चर्चा) ०६:११, २६ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)
समर्थनम् - समीचीनः प्रयासः । शुभा (चर्चा) ०६:२२, २६ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)
समर्थनम् - सक्रिय-सदस्यत्वात् अर्हः। एतादृशाः यदि अन्ये सन्ति, तर्हि सर्वे आवेदनं कुर्वन्तु इति निवेदनम्। भवान् अपि सर्वान् प्रेरयतु इति निवेदयामि। अस्तु। शुभकामानाः। ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ १०:३४, २६ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)
समर्थनम् - I support his candidature KrishnamurthyAshwini (चर्चा)
[सम्पादयतु]- योग्यः विचारः अस्ति। मम पूर्णं समर्थं परन्तु अत्र समर्थनेन सह मेटा-मध्ये यत् एतादृशं पृष्ठं निर्मितं तस्यापि परिसन्धिं (लिंक) अत्र स्थापयतु, तत्रापि समर्थनस्य आवश्यकता भविष्यति। ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ १०:२४, २६ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)
- अत्र अस्ति।--Soorya Hebbar (चर्चा) १२:१२, २६ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)
प्राजेक्ट् टैगर् सपोर्ट् योजना (NehalDaveND)
[सम्पादयतु]अत्र अन्तर्जालस्य साहाय्यार्थं मया आवेदनं कृतम् अस्ति, यथोचितं समर्थनं करोतु इति नवेदनम्। अस्तु। ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ १०:५८, २६ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]समर्थनम् I support his candidature. -Sayant Mahato talk १२:२१, २६ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)
समर्थनम् I अस्यां योजनायां भागग्रहणं समर्थयामि। --Soorya Hebbar (चर्चा) १२:३३, २६ अगस्त २०१९ (UTC)
समर्थनम् - समीचीनः प्रयासः । शुभा (चर्चा) ०५:२४, १४ सितम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]व्याघ्रप्रकल्प-सपोर्ट्-योजना (Sayant Mahato)
[सम्पादयतु]अहं व्याघ्रप्रकल्पे भागं ग्रहीतुम् इच्छामि। तत्र आयोजकाः साहाय्यं कुर्वन्ति । संविकिसदस्यान् प्रार्थये अनुमोदनं कर्वन्तु इति ।--Sayant Mahato talk १४:१८, १३ सितम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]समर्थनम् - समीचीनः प्रयासः । - शुभा (चर्चा) ०५:२३, १४ सितम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
समर्थनम् - शोभनः विचारः। भवान् अर्होत्तमः। ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०६:०७, १४ सितम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
समर्थनम् संस्कृतविकिपीडिया प्रकल्पस्य व्याघ्रः भवान्। निश्चयेन व्याघ्रप्रकल्पे भागं गृह्णीयात्।--Soorya Hebbar (चर्चा) ०८:५१, १४ सितम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
समर्थनम् शुभं भवतु --Surekha Kamath (चर्चा) ०४:०६, १६ सितम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]सदस्यः:Divya navil एषः सदस्यः अपि योग्यं योगदानं यच्छति, अस्य सम्पर्कः अस्ति, तर्हि व्याघ्रप्रकल्पे भागं वोढुं सूच्यताम् इति मे परामर्शः।ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎
- अहं सूचयिष्ये ताम् ।--Sayant Mahato talk ११:१२, १४ सितम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
The consultation on partial and temporary Foundation bans just started
In a recent statement, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees requested that staff hold a consultation to "re-evaluat[e] or add community input to the two new office action policy tools (temporary and partial Foundation bans)".
Accordingly, the Foundation's Trust & Safety team invites all Wikimedians to join this consultation and give their feedback from 30 September to 30 October.
How can you help?
- Suggest how partial and temporary Foundation bans should be used, if they should (eg: On all projects, or only on a subset);
- Give ideas about how partial and temporary Foundation bans should ideally implemented, if they should be; and/or
- Propose changes to the existing Office Actions policy on partial and temporary bans.
We offer our thanks in advance for your contributions, and we hope to get as much input as possible from community members during this consultation!
-- Kbrown (WMF) १७:१४, ३० सितम्बर २०१९ (UTC)
अग्रिम-राष्ट्रिय-विकिकॉन्फ्रेंस-अर्थं चर्चा
[सम्पादयतु]- एषः निर्णयः सिद्धः । कृपया तत्र परिवर्तनं मास्तु । आगामिन्यः टिप्पण्यः नवीने विभागे भुयासुः
राष्ट्रिय विकिकॉन्फ्रेंस उत विकिसम्मेलनम्, द्विवारं 2011 तथा च 2016 मध्ये जातम् आसीत्। इतःपरं हैदराबाद-महानगरे कर्तुं प्रस्तावः अस्ति।
एषः सन्देशः आंध्रप्रदेशस्य, तेलंगानाराज्यस्य च विकिमेडियन-पक्षतः लिखन् अस्मि। ते हैदराबाद-महानगरे विकी-कॉन्फ्रेंस-इंडिया 2020 इत्यस्य आतिथ्याय सज्जा सन्ति। एतत् राष्ट्रियसम्मेलनम् अस्मभ्यं अन्यसमुदायैः सह योक्तुं, ज्ञानवितरणाय, नवीनज्ञानम् अर्जयितुं, पाठयितुं, सम्पूर्ण-विकी-परिवारं सम्मिलितं कर्तुं च साहाय्यं करिष्यति। अन्तिम-सम्मेलनं 2016 मध्ये जातमस्ति। एषः उचितः समयः अस्ति यत् अग्रिमसम्मेलनं शीघ्रं हि भवेत् इति। यतः पूर्वत्रिभ्यः वर्षेभ्यः किमपि सम्मेलनं जातं नास्ति। अतः हैदराबाद-महानगरे तस्य आयोजनं चिन्तितम् अस्ति।
परन्तु कार्यकर्तारः अग्रे कार्यं कुर्युः इति केवलं सर्वसमुदायानां समावने, विश्वासे च आधारितं भवति। अतः सम्मेलनस्य समर्थनं कृत्वा प्रप्रथम् अस्मासु सहमतिः भवेत्।
एतत् पृष्ठं पश्यतु कृपया, यत् सम्पूर्णयोजनायाः सूचनां यच्छति। अन्यसमुदायानां समर्थनानि एतस्मिन् अनुभागे द्रष्टुं शक्यन्ते। कृपया तत्र गत्वा अधो दत्ते अनुभागे स्वसमर्थनं करोतु, येन वयम् एतस्य उपक्रमस्य भागं भवितुं शक्नुमः। 18 अक्टूबर 2019 पर्यन्तं अस्माभिः एतत् करणीयम् अस्ति। फाउण्डेशन-कृते अनुदानसम्बन्धिन् नियमान् पूर्णान् कर्तुं एतत् करणीयं भवति। ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०२:००, १२ अक्तूबर २०१९ (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]- ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०२:०८, १२ अक्तूबर २०१९ (UTC)
समर्थनम्- विकिसम्मेलनं सर्वेषां विकिपरिवारसदस्यानां कृते लाभदायकं वर्तते। सर्वैः अवश्यम् एतादृशस्य कार्यक्रमस्य समर्थनं करणीयम्।--Sayant Mahato talk ०४:१६, १२ अक्तूबर २०१९ (UTC)
समर्थनम् विकिसम्मेलनात् अस्माकं समुदायस्य वर्धनंभवितुमर्हति। सम्मेलनम् अवश्यं भवेत्। Soorya Hebbar ०४:२०, १२ अक्तूबर २०१९ (UTC)
समर्थनम् सम्मेलनं भवेत् । Surekha Kamath (चर्चा) ०८:५७, १२ अक्तूबर २०१९ (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]- एषः निर्णयः सिद्धः । कृपया तत्र परिवर्तनं मास्तु । आगामिन्यः टिप्पण्यः नवीने विभागे भुयासुः ।
Feedback wanted on Desktop Improvements project
[सम्पादयतु]कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
नमस्ते. The Readers Web team at the WMF will work on some improvements to the desktop interface over the next couple of years. The goal is to increase usability without removing any functionality. We have been inspired by changes made by volunteers, but that currently only exist as local gadgets and user scripts, prototypes, and volunteer-led skins. We would like to begin the process of bringing some of these changes into the default experience on all Wikimedia projects.
We are currently in the research stage of this project and are looking for ideas for improvements, as well as feedback on our current ideas and mockups. So far, we have performed interviews with community members at Wikimania. We have gathered lists of previous volunteer and WMF work in this area. We are examining possible technical approaches for such changes.
We would like individual feedback on the following:
- Identifying focus areas for the project we have not yet discovered
- Expanding the list of existing gadgets and user scripts that are related to providing a better desktop experience. If you can think of some of these from your wiki, please let us know
- Feedback on the ideas and mockups we have collected so far
We would also like to gather a list of wikis that would be interested in being test wikis for this project - these wikis would be the first to receive the updates once we’re ready to start building.
When giving feedback, please consider the following goals of the project:
- Make it easier for readers to focus on the content
- Provide easier access to everyday actions (e.g. search, language switching, editing)
- Put things in logical and useful places
- Increase consistency in the interface with other platforms - mobile web and the apps
- Eliminate clutter
- Plan for future growth
As well as the following constraints:
- Not touching the content - no work will be done in terms of styling templates or to the structure of page contents themselves
- Not removing any functionality - things might move around, but all navigational items and other functionality currently available by default will remain
- No drastic changes to the layout - we're taking an evolutionary approach to the changes and want the site to continue feeling familiar to readers and editors
Please give all feedback (in any language) at mw:Talk:Reading/Web/Desktop Improvements
After this round of feedback, we plan on building a prototype of suggested changes based on the feedback we receive. You’ll hear from us again asking for feedback on this prototype.
कृतज्ञतां निवेदयामि ! Quiddity (WMF) (talk)
०७:१८, १६ अक्तूबर २०१९ (UTC)
Beta feature "Reference Previews"
[सम्पादयतु]A new beta feature will soon be deployed to your wiki: Reference Previews. As you might guess from the name, this feature gives you a preview of references in the article text. That means, you can look up a reference without jumping down to the bottom of the page.
Reference Previews have already been a beta feature on German and Arabic Wikipedia since April. Now they will become available on more wikis. Deployment is planned for October 24. More information can be found on the project page.
As always, feedback is highly appreciated. If you want to test Reference Previews, please activate the beta feature in your user preferences and let us know what you think. The best place for feedback is the central talk page. We hope the feature will serve you well in your work. Thank you from Wikimedia Deutschland's Technical Wishes project.
-- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) ०९:४७, २३ अक्तूबर २०१९ (UTC)
Editing News #2 – Mobile editing and talk pages
[सम्पादयतु]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
Inside this newsletter, the Editing team talks about their work on the mobile visual editor, on the new talk pages project, and at Wikimania 2019.
[सम्पादयतु]What talk page interactions do you remember? Is it a story about how someone helped you to learn something new? Is it a story about how someone helped you get involved in a group? Something else? Whatever your story is, we want to hear it!
Please tell us a story about how you used a talk page. Please share a link to a memorable discussion, or describe it on the talk page for this project. The team wants your examples. These examples will help everyone develop a shared understanding of what this project should support and encourage.
Talk pages project
[सम्पादयतु]The Talk Pages Consultation was a global consultation to define better tools for wiki communication. From February through June 2019, more than 500 volunteers on 20 wikis, across 15 languages and multiple projects, came together with members of the Foundation to create a product direction for a set of discussion tools. The Phase 2 Report of the Talk Page Consultation was published in August. It summarizes the product direction the team has started to work on, which you can read more about here: Talk Page Project project page.
The team needs and wants your help at this early stage. They are starting to develop the first idea. Please add your name to the "Getting involved" section of the project page, if you would like to hear about opportunities to participate.
Mobile visual editor
[सम्पादयतु]The Editing team is trying to make it simpler to edit on mobile devices. The team is changing the visual editor on mobile. If you have something to say about editing on a mobile device, please leave a message at Talk:VisualEditor on mobile.

- On 3 September, the Editing team released version 3 of Edit Cards. Anyone could use the new version in the mobile visual editor.
- There is an updated design on the Edit Card for adding and modifying links. There is also a new, combined workflow for editing a link's display text and target.
- Feedback: You can try the new Edit Cards by opening the mobile visual editor on a smartphone. Please post your feedback on the Edit cards talk page.

- In September, the Editing team updated the mobile visual editor's editing toolbar. Anyone could see these changes in the mobile visual editor.
- One toolbar: All of the editing tools are located in one toolbar. Previously, the toolbar changed when you clicked on different things.
- New navigation: The buttons for moving forward and backward in the edit flow have changed.
- Seamless switching: an improved workflow for switching between the visual and wikitext modes.
- Feedback: You can try the refreshed toolbar by opening the mobile VisualEditor on a smartphone. Please post your feedback on the Toolbar feedback talk page.
[सम्पादयतु]The Editing Team attended Wikimania 2019 in Sweden. They led a session on the mobile visual editor and a session on the new talk pages project. They tested two new features in the mobile visual editor with contributors. You can read more about what the team did and learned in the team's report on Wikimania 2019.
Looking ahead
[सम्पादयतु]- Talk Pages Project: The team is thinking about the first set of proposed changes. The team will be working with a few communities to pilot those changes. The best way to stay informed is by adding your username to the list on the project page: Getting involved.
- Testing the mobile visual editor as the default: The Editing team plans to post results before the end of the calendar year. The best way to stay informed is by adding the project page to your watchlist: VisualEditor as mobile default project page.
- Measuring the impact of Edit Cards: This study asks whether the project helped editors add links and citations. The Editing team hopes to share results in November. The best way to stay informed is by adding the project page to your watchlist: Edit Cards project page.
– PPelberg (WMF) (talk) & Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk)
११:१२, २९ अक्तूबर २०१९ (UTC)
विकिपीडिया जम्बुद्वीपीयमासः २०१९
[सम्पादयतु]- विकिपीडिया जम्बुद्वीपीयमासः कश्चन ऑनलाइन-एडिट-ए-थान-कार्यक्रमः वर्तते। जम्बुद्वीपीय-विकिपीडिया-समुदायेषु विशेषसामञ्जस्यं वर्धेत इति एतस्य उद्देश्यम्। २०१९ तमस्य वर्षस्य सम्पूर्णं नवम्बर-मासं यावत् एषः कार्क्रमः भवति। [यूष्माकं भाषायाम्] उच्चगुणवत्तायुक्तानाम्, अधिकाधिकानां च लेखानां निर्माणं स्यादिति संस्कृत-विकिपीडिया-जम्बुद्वीपीय-मासस्य उद्देशः अस्ति। ते लेखाः [यूष्माकं देशं विहाय] अन्यजम्बुद्वीपीयानां देशानां विषये भवेयुः।
न्यूनातिन्यूनं चतुर्ण्णां (४) लेखानाम् अथवा अधिकानां लेखानां निर्माणं ये सदस्याः करिष्यन्ति, ते विभिन्न-विकिपीडिया-समुदायेषु मित्रता-प्रतीकरूपेण अन्यप्रतियोगिभिः देशैः विशिष्टतया सज्जीकृतानि विकिपीडिया-प्रेषकपत्राणि (postcard) प्राप्स्यन्ति। प्रत्येकं विकिपीडिया-जालस्य ये विकिपीडिया-सदस्याः सर्वाधिकान् लेखान् रचयिष्यन्ति, ते “विकिपीडिया-जम्बुद्वीपीय-राजदूतः“ इति पुरस्कृताः भविष्यन्ति। कृपया भागम् ऊह्यताम्।--सुयश द्विवेदी (चर्चा) १९:१०, ३० अक्तूबर २०१९ (UTC)
Extension of Wikipedia Asian Month contest
[सम्पादयतु]In consideration of a week-long internet block in Iran, Wikipedia Asian Month 2019 contest has been extended for a week past November. The articles submitted till 7th December 2019, 23:59 UTC will be accepted by the fountain tools of the participating wikis. --सुयश द्विवेदी (चर्चा)
Movement Learning and Leadership Development Project
The Wikimedia Foundation’s Community Development team is seeking to learn more about the way volunteers learn and develop into the many different roles that exist in the movement. Our goal is to build a movement informed framework that provides shared clarity and outlines accessible pathways on how to grow and develop skills within the movement. To this end, we are looking to speak with you, our community to learn about your journey as a Wikimedia volunteer. Whether you joined yesterday or have been here from the very start, we want to hear about the many ways volunteers join and contribute to our movement.
To learn more about the project, please visit the Meta page. If you are interested in participating in the project, please complete this simple Google form. Although we may not be able to speak to everyone who expresses interest, we encourage you to complete this short form if you are interested in participating!
-- LMiranda (WMF) (talk) १९:०१, २२ जनवरी २०२० (UTC)
टीटीटी २०२० (सूर्यहेब्बारः)
[सम्पादयतु]अहं टीटीटी २०२० मध्ये भागम् वोढुम् इच्छामि। कृपया समर्थनं कुर्वन्तु। --Soorya Hebbar (चर्चा) ०४:०७, ३१ जनवरी २०२० (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]समर्थनम् सूर्यमहोदयः अस्यां कार्यशालायां भागं ग्रहीतुं समर्थः अस्ति । --Surekha Kamath (चर्चा) ०४:०५, ३१ जनवरी २०२० (UTC)
समर्थनम्-शुभा (चर्चा) ११:५१, ३१ जनवरी २०२० (UTC)
समर्थनम्- शुभास्ते पन्थानः । -Sayant Mahato talk १०:११, ३ फरवरी २०२० (UTC)
समर्थनम्KrishnamurthyAshwini (चर्चा) १२:२५, ३ फरवरी २०२० (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]टीटीटी २०२० (Surekha Kamath)
[सम्पादयतु]अहं विकिशिक्षकप्रशिक्षणवर्गे (टीटीटी २०२०) भागं ग्रहीतुमिच्छामि । अतः कृपया हस्ताक्षरपूर्वकं समर्थनं कुर्वन्तु । -- --Surekha Kamath (चर्चा) १०:२१, ३ फरवरी २०२० (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]समर्थनम्KrishnamurthyAshwini (चर्चा) १२:२७, ३ फरवरी २०२० (UTC)
समर्थनम् -शुभा (चर्चा) १३:००, ३ फरवरी २०२० (UTC)
समर्थनम् टीटीटी मध्ये शिक्षणम् अवश्यं प्राप्नुयात्।--Soorya Hebbar ०५:३२, ४ फरवरी २०२० (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]टीटीटी २०२० (Ashwini Krishnamurthy)
[सम्पादयतु]अहं टीटीटी २०२० मध्ये भागं ग्रहीतुमिच्छामि । कृपया समर्थनम् कुर्वन्तु । KrishnamurthyAshwini (चर्चा) १२:३६, ३ फरवरी २०२० (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]समर्थनम् - शुभा (चर्चा) १३:००, ३ फरवरी २०२० (UTC)
समर्थनम् इयं टीटीटी गच्छति चेत् कार्येषु संस्कृतविकिसदस्यानां मार्गदर्शनं कर्तुं शक्नोति।--Soorya Hebbar ०५:३३, ४ फरवरी २०२० (UTC)
समर्थनम् --Surekha Kamath (चर्चा) ०५:३५, ४ फरवरी २०२० (UTC)
[सम्पादयतु]Additional interface for edit conflicts on talk pages
[सम्पादयतु]Sorry, for writing this text in English. If you could help to translate it, it would be appreciated.
You might know the new interface for edit conflicts (currently a beta feature). Now, Wikimedia Germany is designing an additional interface to solve edit conflicts on talk pages. This interface is shown to you when you write on a discussion page and another person writes a discussion post in the same line and saves it before you do. With this additional editing conflict interface you can adjust the order of the comments and edit your comment. We are inviting everyone to have a look at the planned feature. Let us know what you think on our central feedback page! -- For the Technical Wishes Team: Max Klemm (WMDE) १४:१५, २६ फरवरी २०२० (UTC)
Editing news 2020 #1 – Discussion tools
[सम्पादयतु]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter

The Editing team has been working on the talk pages project. The goal of the talk pages project is to help contributors communicate on wiki more easily. This project is the result of the Talk pages consultation 2019.

The team is building a new tool for replying to comments now. This early version can sign and indent comments automatically. Please test the new Reply tool.
- On 31 March 2020, the new उत्तर दें tool was offered as a Beta Feature editors at four Wikipedias: Arabic, Dutch, French, and Hungarian. If your community also wants early access to the new tool, contact User:Whatamidoing (WMF).
- The team is planning some upcoming changes. Please review the proposed design and share your thoughts on the talk page. The team will test features such as:
- an easy way to mention another editor ("pinging"),
- a rich-text visual editing option, and
- other features identified through user testing or recommended by editors.
To hear more about Editing Team updates, please add your name to the "Get involved" section of the project page. You can also watch these pages: the main project page, Updates, Replying, and User testing.
– PPelberg (WMF) (talk) & Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk)
१९:२५, ८ एप्रिल् २०२० (UTC)
Editing news 2020 #2
[सम्पादयतु]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter

This issue of the Editing newsletter includes information the Talk pages project, an effort to help contributors communicate on wiki more easily.
- Reply tool: This is available as a Beta Feature at the four partner wikis (Arabic, Dutch, French, and Hungarian Wikipedias). The Beta Feature is called "चर्चा उपकरण". The Beta Feature will get new features soon. The new features include writing comments in a new visual editing mode and pinging other users by typing
. You can test the new features on the Beta Cluster now. Some other wikis will have a chance to try the Beta Feature in the coming months. - New requirements for user signatures: Soon, users will not be able to save invalid custom signatures in Special:Preferences. This will reduce signature spoofing, prevent page corruption, and make new talk page tools more reliable. Most editors will not be affected.
- New discussion tool: The Editing team is beginning work on a simpler process for starting new discussions. You can see the initial design on the project page.
- Research on the use of talk pages: The Editing team worked with the Wikimedia research team to study how talk pages help editors improve articles. We learned that new editors who use talk pages make more edits to the main namespace than new editors who don't use talk pages.
२०:३३, १७ जून् २०२० (UTC)
Annual contest Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos
This is to invite you to join the Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos (WPWP) campaign to help improve Wikipedia articles with photos and win prizes. The campaign starts today 1st July 2020 and closes 31st August 2020.
The campaign primarily aims at using images from Wikimedia Commons on Wikipedia articles that are lacking images. Participants will choose among Wikipedia pages without photo images, then add a suitable file from among the many thousands of photos in the Wikimedia Commons, especially those uploaded from thematic contests (Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Earth, Wiki Loves Folklore, etc.) over the years.
Please visit the campaign page to learn more about the WPWP Campaign.
With kind regards,
Thank you,
Deborah Schwartz Jacobs, Communities Liaison, On behalf of the Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos Organizing Team - ०८:२४, १ जुलै २०२० (UTC)
feel free to translate this message to your local language when this helps your community
Feedback on movement names
[सम्पादयतु]नमस्ते. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें if necessary. कृतज्ञतां निवेदयामि !
There are a lot of conversations happening about the future of our movement names. We hope that you are part of these discussions and that your community is represented.
Since 16 June, the Foundation Brand Team has been running a survey in 7 languages about 3 naming options. There are also community members sharing concerns about renaming in a Community Open Letter.
Our goal in this call for feedback is to hear from across the community, so we encourage you to participate in the survey, the open letter, or both. The survey will go through 7 July in all timezones. Input from the survey and discussions will be analyzed and published on Meta-Wiki.
Thanks for thinking about the future of the movement, --The Brand Project team, १९:४२, २ जुलै २०२० (UTC)
Note: The survey is conducted via a third-party service, which may subject it to additional terms. For more information on privacy and data-handling, see the survey privacy statement.
Editing news 2020 #3
[सम्पादयतु]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter

Seven years ago this month, the Editing team offered the visual editor to most Wikipedia editors. Since then, editors have achieved many milestones:
- More than 50 million edits have been made using the visual editor on desktop.
- More than 2 million new articles have been created in the visual editor. More than 600,000 of these new articles were created during 2019.
- The visual editor is increasingly popular. The proportion of all edits made using the visual editor has increased every year since its introduction.
- In 2019, 35% of the edits by newcomers (logged-in editors with ≤99 edits) used the visual editor. This percentage has increased every year.
- Almost 5 million edits on the mobile site have been made with the visual editor. Most of these edits have been made since the Editing team started improving the mobile visual editor in 2018.
- On 17 November 2019, the first edit from outer space was made in the mobile visual editor. 🚀 👩🚀
- Editors have made more than 7 million edits in the 2017 wikitext editor, including starting 600,000 new articles in it. The 2017 wikitext editor is VisualEditor's built-in wikitext mode. You can enable it in your preferences.
१२:५५, ९ जुलै २०२० (UTC)
Announcing a new wiki project! Welcome, Abstract Wikipedia
[सम्पादयतु]Hi all,
It is my honor to introduce Abstract Wikipedia, a new project that has been unanimously approved by the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Abstract Wikipedia proposes a new way to generate baseline encyclopedic content in a multilingual fashion, allowing more contributors and more readers to share more knowledge in more languages. It is an approach that aims to make cross-lingual cooperation easier on our projects, increase the sustainability of our movement through expanding access to participation, improve the user experience for readers of all languages, and innovate in free knowledge by connecting some of the strengths of our movement to create something new.
This is our first new project in over seven years. Abstract Wikipedia was submitted as a project proposal by Denny Vrandečić in May 2020 [१] after years of preparation and research, leading to a detailed plan and lively discussions in the Wikimedia communities. We know that the energy and the creativity of the community often runs up against language barriers, and information that is available in one language may not make it to other language Wikipedias. Abstract Wikipedia intends to look and feel like a Wikipedia, but build on the powerful, language-independent conceptual models of Wikidata, with the goal of letting volunteers create and maintain Wikipedia articles across our polyglot Wikimedia world.
The project will allow volunteers to assemble the fundamentals of an article using words and entities from Wikidata. Because Wikidata uses conceptual models that are meant to be universal across languages, it should be possible to use and extend these building blocks of knowledge to create models for articles that also have universal value. Using code, volunteers will be able to translate these abstract “articles” into their own languages. If successful, this could eventually allow everyone to read about any topic in Wikidata in their own language.
As you can imagine, this work will require a lot of software development, and a lot of cooperation among Wikimedians. In order to make this effort possible, Denny will join the Foundation as a staff member in July and lead this initiative. You may know Denny as the creator of Wikidata, a long-time community member, a former staff member at Wikimedia Deutschland, and a former Trustee at the Wikimedia Foundation [२]. We are very excited that Denny will bring his skills and expertise to work on this project alongside the Foundation’s product, technology, and community liaison teams.
It is important to acknowledge that this is an experimental project, and that every Wikipedia community has different needs. This project may offer some communities great advantages. Other communities may engage less. Every language Wikipedia community will be free to choose and moderate whether or how they would use content from this project.
We are excited that this new wiki-project has the possibility to advance knowledge equity through increased access to knowledge. It also invites us to consider and engage with critical questions about how and by whom knowledge is constructed. We look forward to working in cooperation with the communities to think through these important questions.
There is much to do as we begin designing a plan for Abstract Wikipedia in close collaboration with our communities. I encourage you to get involved by going to the project page and joining the new mailing list [३]. We recognize that Abstract Wikipedia is ambitious, but we also recognize its potential. We invite you all to join us on a new, unexplored path.
Katherine Maher (Executive Director, Wikimedia Foundation)
Sent by m:User:Elitre (WMF) २०:१०, ९ जुलै २०२० (UTC) - m:Special:MyLanguage/Abstract Wikipedia/July 2020 announcement
The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC): we want to hear from you.
[सम्पादयतु]नमस्ते. Apologies that you may not be reading this message in your native language: translations of the following message may be available on Meta. कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें. कृतज्ञतां निवेदयामि !
At times, our contributor communities and projects have suffered from a lack of guidelines that can help us create an environment where free knowledge can be shared safely without fear. There has been talk about the need for a global set of conduct rules in different communities over time.
Recently, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees announced a Community Culture Statement, asking for new standards to address harassment and promote inclusivity across projects.
The universal code of conduct will be a binding minimum set of standards across all Wikimedia projects, and will apply to all of us, staff and volunteers alike, all around the globe. It is of great importance that we all participate in expressing our opinions and thoughts about UCoC and its values. We should think about what we want it to cover or include and what it shouldn’t include, and how it may create difficulties or help our groups.
This is the time to talk about it. Before starting drafting the code of conduct, we would like to hear from you and to solicit the opinions and feedback of your colleagues. In order for your voice to be heard, we encourage and invite you to read more about the universal code of conduct (UCoC) and then write down your opinions or feedback on the discussion page.
To reduce language barriers during the process, you are welcome to translate the universal code of conduct main page from English into your respective local language. You and your community may choose to provide your opinions/feedback using your local languages.
Thanks in advance for your attention and contributions, The Trust and Safety team at Wikimedia Foundation १६:४२, २२ जुलै २०२० (UTC)
Technical Wishes: FileExporter and FileImporter become default features on all Wikis
[सम्पादयतु]The FileExporter and FileImporter will become a default features on all wikis until August 7, 2020. They are planned to help you to move files from your local wiki to Wikimedia Commons easier while keeping all original file information (Description, Source, Date, Author, View History) intact. Additionally, the move is documented in the files view history. How does it work?
Step 1: If you are an auto-confirmed user, you will see a link "Move file to Wikimedia Commons" on the local file page.
Step 2: When you click on this link, the FileImporter checks if the file can in fact be moved to Wikimedia Commons. These checks are performed based on the wiki's configuration file which is created and maintained by each local wiki community.
Step 3: If the file is compatible with Wikimedia Commons, you will be taken to an import page, at which you can update or add information regarding the file, such as the description. You can also add the 'Now Commons' template to the file on the local wiki by clicking the corresponding check box in the import form. Admins can delete the file from the local wiki by enabling the corresponding checkbox. By clicking on the 'Import' button at the end of the page, the file is imported to Wikimedia Commons.
If you want to know more about the FileImporter extension or the Technical Wishes Project, follow the links. --For the Technical Wishes Team:Max Klemm (WMDE) ०९:१४, ६ आगस्ट् २०२० (UTC)
Important: maintenance operation on September 1st
[सम्पादयतु]Read this message in another language • कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
The Wikimedia Foundation will be testing its secondary data centre. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
They will switch all traffic to the secondary data centre on Tuesday, September 1st 2020.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Tuesday, September 1st. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (15:00 BST, 16:00 CEST, 10:00 EDT, 19:30 IST, 07:00 PDT, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 02:00 NZST on Wednesday September 2).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- There will be code freezes for the week of September 1st, 2020. Non-essential code deployments will not happen.
This project may be postponed if necessary. You can read the schedule at wikitech.wikimedia.org. Any changes will be announced in the schedule. There will be more notifications about this. Please share this information with your community.
Trizek (WMF) (talk) १३:४९, २६ आगस्ट् २०२० (UTC)
Invitation to participate in the conversation
[सम्पादयतु]नमस्ते. Apologies for cross-posting, and that you may not be reading this message in your native language: translations of the following announcement may be available on Meta. कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें. कृतज्ञतां निवेदयामि !
We are excited to share a draft of the Universal Code of Conduct, which the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees called for earlier this year, for your review and feedback. The discussion will be open until October 6, 2020.
The UCoC Drafting Committee wants to learn which parts of the draft would present challenges for you or your work. What is missing from this draft? What do you like, and what could be improved?
Please join the conversation and share this invitation with others who may be interested to join, too.
To reduce language barriers during the process, you are welcomed to translate this message and the Universal Code of Conduct/Draft review. You and your community may choose to provide your opinions/feedback using your local languages.
To learn more about the UCoC project, see the Universal Code of Conduct page, and the FAQ, on Meta.
Thanks in advance for your attention and contributions, The Trust and Safety team at Wikimedia Foundation, १७:५५, १० सेप्टेम्बर् २०२० (UTC)Wiki of functions naming contest
[सम्पादयतु]कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
नमस्ते. Please help pick a name for the new Wikimedia wiki project. This project will be a wiki where the community can work together on a library of functions. The community can create new functions, read about them, discuss them, and share them. Some of these functions will be used to help create language-independent Wikipedia articles that can be displayed in any language, as part of the Abstract Wikipedia project. But functions will also be usable in many other situations.
There will be two rounds of voting, each followed by legal review of candidates, with voting beginning on 29 September and 27 October. Our goal is to have a final project name selected on 8 December. If you would like to participate, then please learn more and vote now at meta-wiki. कृतज्ञतां निवेदयामि ! --Quiddity (WMF)२१:२२, २९ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२० (UTC)
Call for feedback about Wikimedia Foundation Bylaws changes and Board candidate rubric
[सम्पादयतु]नमस्ते. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें.
Today the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees starts two calls for feedback. One is about changes to the Bylaws mainly to increase the Board size from 10 to 16 members. The other one is about a trustee candidate rubric to introduce new, more effective ways to evaluate new Board candidates. The Board welcomes your comments through 26 October. For more details, check the full announcement.
कृतज्ञतां निवेदयामि ! Qgil-WMF (talk) १७:१७, ७ अक्टोबर् २०२० (UTC)
Important: maintenance operation on October 27
[सम्पादयतु]Read this message in another language • कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
The Wikimedia Foundation tests the switch between its first and secondary data centers. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
They will switch all traffic back to the primary data center on Tuesday, October 27 2020.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Tuesday, October 27. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (14:00 WET, 15:00 CET, 10:00 EDT, 19:30 IST, 07:00 PDT, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 03:00 NZDT on Wednesday October 28).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- There will be code freezes for the week of October 26, 2020. Non-essential code deployments will not happen.
-- Trizek (WMF) (talk) १७:११, २१ अक्टोबर् २०२० (UTC)
विकिपीडिया जम्बुद्वीपीयमासः २०२०
विकिपीडिया जम्बुद्वीपीयमासः कश्चन ऑनलाइन-एडिट-ए-थान-कार्यक्रमः वर्तते। जम्बुद्वीपीय-विकिपीडिया-समुदायेषु विशेषसामञ्जस्यं वर्धेत इति एतस्य उद्देश्यम्। २०२० तमस्य वर्षस्य सम्पूर्णं नवम्बर-मासं यावत् एषः कार्यक्रमः भवति। [यूष्माकं भाषायाम्] उच्चगुणवत्तायुक्तानाम्, अधिकाधिकानां च लेखानां निर्माणं स्यादिति संस्कृत-विकिपीडिया-जम्बुद्वीपीय-मासस्य उद्देशः अस्ति। ते लेखाः [यूष्माकं देशं विहाय] अन्यजम्बुद्वीपीयानां देशानां विषये भवेयुः। न्यूनातिन्यूनं चतुर्ण्णां (४) लेखानाम् अथवा अधिकानां लेखानां निर्माणं ये सदस्याः करिष्यन्ति, ते विभिन्न-विकिपीडिया-समुदायेषु मित्रता-प्रतीकरूपेण अन्यप्रतियोगिभिः देशैः विशिष्टतया सज्जीकृतानि विकिपीडिया-प्रेषकपत्राणि (postcard) प्राप्स्यन्ति। प्रत्येकं विकिपीडिया-जालस्य ये विकिपीडिया-सदस्याः सर्वाधिकान् लेखान् रचयिष्यन्ति, ते “विकिपीडिया-जम्बुद्वीपीय-राजदूतः“ इति पुरस्कृताः भविष्यन्ति। सुयश द्विवेदी (चर्चा) १५:४९, १ नवेम्बर् २०२० (UTC)
Wiki of functions naming contest - Round 2
[सम्पादयतु]नमस्ते. Reminder: Please help to choose the name for the new Wikimedia wiki project - the library of functions. The finalist vote starts today. The finalists for the name are: Wikicode, Wikicodex, Wikifunctions, Wikifusion, Wikilambda, Wikimedia Functions. If you would like to participate, then please learn more and vote now at Meta-wiki. कृतज्ञतां निवेदयामि ! --Quiddity (WMF)
२२:१०, ५ नवेम्बर् २०२० (UTC)
2021 सामुदायिक विशलिस्ट सर्वेक्षण
अब 2021 सामुदायिक विशलिस्ट सर्वेक्षणखुल चुका है! यह सर्वेक्षण के द्वारा समुदाय कम्युनिटी टेक (Community Tech) अगले साल के लिए काम तय करता है। हम आपको ३० नवेम्बर् तक नए प्रस्ताव प्रस्तुत करने के लिए या अन्य प्रस्तावों पर टिप्पणी कर उन्हें बेहतर बनाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करते हैं। समुदाय ८ डिसेम्बर् और २१ डिसेम्बर् के बीच प्रस्तावों पर मतदान करेंगे।
कम्युनिटी टेक टीम (Community Tech team) अनुभवी विकिमीडिया संपादकों के लिए साधनों पर केंद्रित है। आप किसी भी भाषा में प्रस्ताव लिख सकते हैं, और हम उन्हें आपके लिए अनुवाद करेंगे। आपका धन्यवाद! हम आपके प्रस्तावों को देखने के लिए उत्सुक हैं!
SGrabarczuk (WMF) ०५:१६, २० नवेम्बर् २०२० (UTC)
Wikidata descriptions changes to be included more often in Recent Changes and Watchlist
[सम्पादयतु]Sorry for sending this message in English. Translations are available on this page. Feel free to translate it in more languages!
As you may know, you can include changes coming from Wikidata in your Watchlist and Recent Changes (in your preferences). Until now, this feature didn’t always include changes made on Wikidata descriptions due to the way Wikidata tracks the data used in a given article.
Starting on December 3rd, the Watchlist and Recent Changes will include changes on the descriptions of Wikidata Items that are used in the pages that you watch. This will only include descriptions in the language of your wiki to make sure that you’re only seeing changes that are relevant to your wiki.
This improvement was requested by many users from different projects. We hope that it can help you monitor the changes on Wikidata descriptions that affect your wiki and participate in the effort of improving the data quality on Wikidata for all Wikimedia wikis and beyond.
Note: if you didn’t use the Wikidata watchlist integration feature for a long time, feel free to give it another chance! The feature has been improved since the beginning and the content it displays is more precise and useful than at the beginning of the feature in 2015.
If you encounter any issue or want to provide feedback, feel free to use this Phabricator ticket. Thanks!
2020 Coolest Tool Award Ceremony on December 11th
[सम्पादयतु]Hello all,
The ceremony of the 2020 Wikimedia Coolest Tool Award will take place virtually on Friday, December 11th, at 17:00 GMT. This award is highlighting tools that have been nominated by contributors to the Wikimedia projects, and the ceremony will be a nice moment to show appreciation to the tools developers and maybe discover new tools!
You will find more information here about the livestream and the discussions channels. Thanks for your attention, Lea Lacroix (WMDE) १०:५५, ७ डिसेम्बर् २०२० (UTC)
सामुदायिक विशलिस्ट सर्वेक्षण 2021
हम सभी उपयोगकर्ताओं को 2021 सामुदायिक विशलिस्ट सर्वेक्षण पर मतदान करने के लिए आमंत्रित करते हैं। आप अब से २१ दिसम्बर तक जितने चाहें उतने विभिन्न विषयों के लिए मतदान कर सकते हैं।
सर्वेक्षण में, अनुभवी संपादकों के लिए नए और बेहतर उपकरणों की इच्छा एकत्र की जाती है। मतदान के बाद, हम आपकी इच्छाओं को पूरा करने की पूरी कोशिश करेंगे। हम सबसे लोकप्रिय विषयों के साथ शुरुआत करेंगे।
कम्युनिटी टेक विकिमीडिया फाउंडेशन की टीमों में से एक हैं। हम संपादन और विकी मॉडरेशन टूल बनाते और सुधारते हैं। हम जो काम करते हैं, उसे कम्युनिटी विशलिस्ट सर्वेक्षण के परिणामों के आधार पर तय किया जाता है। साल में एक बार, आप नए विषयों को जमा करवा सकते हैं। दो सप्ताह के बाद, उन विषयों वोट कर सकते हैं, जिनमें आप सबसे अधिक रुचि रखते हैं। उस के बाद काम करने के लिए सर्वेक्षण से हमारी टीम इच्छाएं चुनती है। कुछ इच्छाएँ स्वयंसेवक डेवलपर्स या अन्य टीमों द्वारा दी जा सकती हैं।
हम आपके वोटों का इंतजार कर रहे हैं। धन्यवाद!
१५:४३, ११ डिसेम्बर् २०२० (UTC)
Moving Wikimania 2021 to a Virtual Event
नमस्ते. Apologies if you are not reading this message in your native language. कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें. कृतज्ञतां निवेदयामि !
Wikimania will be a virtual event this year, and hosted by a wide group of community members. Whenever the next in-person large gathering is possible again, the ESEAP Core Organizing Team will be in charge of it. Stay tuned for more information about how you can get involved in the planning process and other aspects of the event. Please read the longer version of this announcement on wikimedia-l.
ESEAP Core Organizing Team, Wikimania Steering Committee, Wikimedia Foundation Events Team, १५:१६, २७ जनवरी २०२१ (UTC)
Project Grant Open Call
[सम्पादयतु]This is the announcement for the Project Grants program open call that started on January 11, with the submission deadline of February 10, 2021.
This first open call will be focussed on Community Organizing proposals. A second open call focused on research and software proposals is scheduled from February 15 with a submission deadline of March 16, 2021.
For the Round 1 open call, we invite you to propose grant applications that fall under community development and organizing (offline and online) categories. Project Grant funds are available to support individuals, groups, and organizations to implement new experiments and proven ideas, from organizing a better process on your wiki, coordinating a campaign or editathon series to providing other support for community building. We offer the following resources to help you plan your project and complete a grant proposal:
- Weekly proposals clinics via Zoom during the Open Call. Join us for #Upcoming_Proposal_Clinics|real-time discussions with Program Officers and select thematic experts and get live feedback about your Project Grants proposal. We’ll answer questions and help you make your proposal better. We also offer these support pages to help you build your proposal:
- Video tutorials for writing a strong application
- General planning page for Project Grants
- Program guidelines and criteria
Program officers are also available to offer individualized proposal support upon request. Contact us if you would like feedback or more information.
We are excited to see your grant ideas that will support our community and make an impact on the future of Wikimedia projects. Put your idea into motion, and submit your proposal by February 10, 2021!
Please feel free to get in touch with questions about getting started with your grant application, or about serving on the Project Grants Committee. Contact us at projectgrantsफलकम्:Atwikimedia.org. Please help us translate this message to your local language. MediaWiki message delivery (चर्चा) ०८:०१, २८ जनवरी २०२१ (UTC)
Proposal for a meeting with Sanskrit Wikimedians regarding Wikimedia Foundation Board Governance call for feedback
[सम्पादयतु]I am Krishna Chaitanya, currently working on the Board Governance team at the Wikimedia Foundation.
As you may already know from my mailing list announcement, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees is changing several of their by-laws, which will have a substantial impact on how the Wikimedia movement works in the coming years. But they would like the community to be involved in the process of these changes, and receive community feedback regarding the proposed changes. A call for feedback started yesterday (1 Feb) and will continue until 14 March. You can read more about the call for feedback at Call for feedback: Community Board seats or from my mailing list message. I am sorry for a lot of English-heavy content. It would be great if you can translate the main page into Sanskrit :)
In this regard, I am proposing to have an online meeting with Sanskrit Wikimedians, wherein I can explain the background, the reason, why this is needed, and what are the changes being proposed. You can then share your feedback. Let me know your thoughts and if you have any questions. --KCVelaga (WMF) (चर्चा) १४:०५, ४ फेब्रवरी २०२१ (UTC)
- @NehalDaveND, Priyanka 1940475: Pinging some active users as per this. --KCVelaga (WMF) (चर्चा) १४:०५, ४ फेब्रवरी २०२१ (UTC)
Feminism & Folklore 1 February - 31 March
[सम्पादयतु]कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
You are invited to participate in Feminism and Folklore writing contest. This year Feminism and Folklore will focus on feminism, women's biographies and gender-focused topics for the project in league with Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus with folk culture theme on Wikipedia. folk activities, folk games, folk cuisine, folk wear, fairy tales, folk plays, folk arts, folk religion, mythology, etc.
You can help us in enriching the folklore documentation on Wikipedia from your region by creating or improving articles centered on folklore around the world, including, but not limited to folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, women and queer personalities in folklore, folk culture (folk artists, folk dancers, folk singers, folk musicians, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch-hunting, fairy tales and more. You can contribute to new articles or translate from the list of suggested articles here.
You can also support us in translating the project page and help us spread the word in your native language.
Learn more about the contest and prizes from our project page. Thank you.
Feminism and Folklore team,
Wikifunctions logo contest
[सम्पादयतु]०१:४७, २ मार्च् २०२१ (UTC)
Universal Code of Conduct – 2021 consultations
[सम्पादयतु]Universal Code of Conduct Phase 2
[सम्पादयतु]कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
The Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) provides a universal baseline of acceptable behavior for the entire Wikimedia movement and all its projects. The project is currently in Phase 2, outlining clear enforcement pathways. You can read more about the whole project on its project page.
Drafting Committee: Call for applications
[सम्पादयतु]The Wikimedia Foundation is recruiting volunteers to join a committee to draft how to make the code enforceable. Volunteers on the committee will commit between 2 and 6 hours per week from late April through July and again in October and November. It is important that the committee be diverse and inclusive, and have a range of experiences, including both experienced users and newcomers, and those who have received or responded to, as well as those who have been falsely accused of harassment.
To apply and learn more about the process, see Universal Code of Conduct/Drafting committee.
2021 community consultations: Notice and call for volunteers / translators
[सम्पादयतु]From 5 April – 5 May 2021 there will be conversations on many Wikimedia projects about how to enforce the UCoC. We are looking for volunteers to translate key material, as well as to help host consultations on their own languages or projects using suggested key questions. If you are interested in volunteering for either of these roles, please contact us in whatever language you are most comfortable.
To learn more about this work and other conversations taking place, see Universal Code of Conduct/2021 consultations.
Line numbering coming soon to all wikis
From April 15, you can enable line numbering in some wikitext editors - for now in the template namespace, coming to more namespaces soon. This will make it easier to detect line breaks and to refer to a particular line in discussions. These numbers will be shown if you enable the syntax highlighting feature (CodeMirror extension), which is supported in the 2010 and 2017 wikitext editors.
More information can be found on this project page. Everyone is invited to test the feature, and to give feedback on this talk page.
-- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) १५:०९, १२ एप्रिल् २०२१ (UTC)
Intimation about the Research Proposal on Gender Gap
[सम्पादयतु]Dear Wikimedians,
Hope you are doing well. We would like to inform you that we (User: Praveenky1589 and User: Nitesh Gill) have proposed a research project for Project Grant. The study will focus on analyzing gender-based differences in leadership of Indian Wikimedia communities. The purpose of the research project is to analyse the growth of projects under different leadership, reasons behind the difference in engagement, contribution and iterations of the project. It also aims to study-
How male and female leadership impacts volunteer contribution and their retention?
The output of events under different leadership and the future of projects and leaders.
The study will be conducted on the last 5 years of online and offline activities. For knowing more about the project please visit the proposal page and share your valuable feedback and suggestions on the talk page. We look forward to refining it more following your valuable inputs and questions.
Thank you Nitesh Gill (ਗੱਲ-ਬਾਤ) 17:24, 19 ਅਪਰੈਲ 2021 (UTC)
Suggested Values
[सम्पादयतु]From April 29, it will be possible to suggest values for parameters in templates. Suggested values can be added to TemplateData and will then be shown as a drop-down list in VisualEditor. This allows template users to quickly select an appropriate value. This way, it prevents potential errors and reduces the effort needed to fill the template with values. It will still be possible to fill in values other than the suggested ones.
More information, including the supported parameter types and how to create suggested values: [1] [2]. Everyone is invited to test the feature, and to give feedback on this talk page.
Timur Vorkul (WMDE) १४:०८, २२ एप्रिल् २०२१ (UTC)
Universal Code of Conduct News – Issue 1
[सम्पादयतु]Universal Code of Conduct News
Issue 1, June 2021Read the full newsletter
Welcome to the first issue of Universal Code of Conduct News! This newsletter will help Wikimedians stay involved with the development of the new code, and will distribute relevant news, research, and upcoming events related to the UCoC.
Please note, this is the first issue of UCoC Newsletter which is delivered to all subscribers and projects as an announcement of the initiative. If you want the future issues delivered to your talk page, village pumps, or any specific pages you find appropriate, you need to subscribe here.
You can help us by translating the newsletter issues in your languages to spread the news and create awareness of the new conduct to keep our beloved community safe for all of us. Please add your name here if you want to be informed of the draft issue to translate beforehand. Your participation is valued and appreciated.
- Affiliate consultations – Wikimedia affiliates of all sizes and types were invited to participate in the UCoC affiliate consultation throughout March and April 2021. (continue reading)
- 2021 key consultations – The Wikimedia Foundation held enforcement key questions consultations in April and May 2021 to request input about UCoC enforcement from the broader Wikimedia community. (continue reading)
- Roundtable discussions – The UCoC facilitation team hosted two 90-minute-long public roundtable discussions in May 2021 to discuss UCoC key enforcement questions. More conversations are scheduled. (continue reading)
- Phase 2 drafting committee – The drafting committee for the phase 2 of the UCoC started their work on 12 May 2021. Read more about their work. (continue reading)
- Diff blogs – The UCoC facilitators wrote several blog posts based on interesting findings and insights from each community during local project consultation that took place in the 1st quarter of 2021. (continue reading)
--MediaWiki message delivery (चर्चा) २३:०६, ११ जून् २०२१ (UTC)
Wikimania 2021: Individual Program Submissions
Dear all,
Wikimania 2021 will be hosted virtually for the first time in the event's 15-year history. Since there is no in-person host, the event is being organized by a diverse group of Wikimedia volunteers that form the Core Organizing Team (COT) for Wikimania 2021.
Event Program - Individuals or a group of individuals can submit their session proposals to be a part of the program. There will be translation support for sessions provided in a number of languages. See more information here.
Below are some links to guide you through;
Please note that the deadline for submission is 18th June 2021.
Announcements- To keep up to date with the developments around Wikimania, the COT sends out weekly updates. You can view them in the Announcement section here.
Office Hour - If you are left with questions, the COT will be hosting some office hours (in multiple languages), in multiple time-zones, to answer any programming questions that you might have. Details can be found here.
Best regards,
MediaWiki message delivery (चर्चा) ०४:१८, १६ जून् २०२१ (UTC)
On behalf of Wikimania 2021 Core Organizing Team
Editing news 2021 #2
[सम्पादयतु]अन्यस्यां भाषायां पठतु इदम् • बहुभाषिणे समाचारपत्राय सदस्यतायै इयं सूची

Earlier this year, the Editing team ran a large study of the Reply Tool. The main goal was to find out whether the Reply Tool helped newer editors communicate on wiki. The second goal was to see whether the comments that newer editors made using the tool needed to be reverted more frequently than comments newer editors made with the existing wikitext page editor.
The key results were:
- Newer editors who had automatic ("default on") access to the Reply tool were more likely to post a comment on a talk page.
- The comments that newer editors made with the Reply Tool were also less likely to be reverted than the comments that newer editors made with page editing.
These results give the Editing team confidence that the tool is helpful.
Looking ahead
The team is planning to make the Reply tool available to everyone as an opt-out preference in the coming months. This has already happened at the Arabic, Czech, and Hungarian Wikipedias.
The next step is to resolve a technical challenge. Then, they will deploy the Reply tool first to the Wikipedias that participated in the study. After that, they will deploy it, in stages, to the other Wikipedias and all WMF-hosted wikis.
You can turn on "चर्चा उपकरण" in Beta Features now. After you get the Reply tool, you can change your preferences at any time in Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion.
१४:१४, २४ जून् २०२१ (UTC)
Server switch
[सम्पादयतु]Read this message in another language • कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
The Wikimedia Foundation tests the switch between its first and secondary data centers. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Tuesday, 29 June 2021. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 WEST/BST, 16:00 CEST, 19:30 IST, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 02:00 NZST on Wednesday 30 June).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- There will be code freezes for the week of June 28. Non-essential code deployments will not happen.
SGrabarczuk (WMF) ०१:१९, २७ जून् २०२१ (UTC)
Universal Code of Conduct - Enforcement draft guidelines review
[सम्पादयतु]Hello all,
The Universal Code of Conduct Phase 2 drafting committee would like comments about the enforcement draft guidelines for the Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC). This review period is planned to begin 17 August 2021.
Community and staff members collaborated to develop these draft guidelines based on consultations, discussions, and research. These guidelines are not final but you can help move the progress forward. Provide comments about these guidelines by 17 October 2021. The committee will be revising the guidelines based upon community input.
Everyone may share comments in a number of places. Facilitators welcome comments in any language on the draft review talk page or by email. Comments can also be shared on talk pages of translations, at local discussions, or during round-table discussions and conversation hours.
There are planned live discussions about the UCoC enforcement draft guidelines:
- Wikimania 2021 session - 16 August @ 11:00 UTC - 11:45 UTC (recording of the session)
- Conversation hours - 24 August, 31 August, 7 September @ 03:00 UTC & 14:00 UTC
- Roundtable calls - 18 September @ 03:00 UTC & 15:00 UTC
The facilitation team supporting this review period hopes to reach a large number of communities. Having a shared understanding is important. If you do not see a conversation happening in your community, please organize a discussion. Facilitators can assist you in setting up the conversations.
Discussions will be summarized and presented to the drafting committee every two weeks. The summaries will be published here.
Please let me know if you have any questions about the draft, the community consultation or the UCoC.
Many thanks! --Ravan (WMF) (चर्चा) १५:०३, १९ आगस्ट् २०२१ (UTC)
The 2022 Community Wishlist Survey will happen in January
[सम्पादयतु]Hello everyone,
We hope all of you are as well and safe as possible during these trying times! We wanted to share some news about a change to the Community Wishlist Survey 2022. We would like to hear your opinions as well.
We will be running the Community Wishlist Survey 2022 in January 2022. We need more time to work on the 2021 wishes. We also need time to prepare some changes to the Wishlist 2022. In the meantime, you can use a dedicated sandbox to leave early ideas for the 2022 wishes.
Proposing and wish-fulfillment will happen during the same year
[सम्पादयतु]In the past, the Community Tech team has run the Community Wishlist Survey for the following year in November of the prior year. For example, we ran the Wishlist for 2021 in November 2020. That worked well a few years ago. At that time, we used to start working on the Wishlist soon after the results of the voting were published.
However, in 2021, there was a delay between the voting and the time when we could start working on the new wishes. Until July 2021, we were working on wishes from the Wishlist for 2020.
We hope having the Wishlist 2022 in January 2022 will be more intuitive. This will also give us time to fulfill more wishes from the 2021 Wishlist.
Encouraging wider participation from historically excluded communities
[सम्पादयतु]We are thinking how to make the Wishlist easier to participate in. We want to support more translations, and encourage under-resourced communities to be more active. We would like to have some time to make these changes.
A new space to talk to us about priorities and wishes not granted yet
[सम्पादयतु]We will have gone 365 days without a Wishlist. We encourage you to approach us. We hope to hear from you in the talk page, but we also hope to see you at our bi-monthly Talk to Us meetings! These will be hosted at two different times friendly to time zones around the globe.
We will begin our first meeting September 15th at 23:00 UTC. More details about the agenda and format coming soon!
Brainstorm and draft proposals before the proposal phase
[सम्पादयतु]If you have early ideas for wishes, you can use the new Community Wishlist Survey sandbox. This way, you will not forget about these before January 2022. You will be able to come back and refine your ideas. Remember, edits in the sandbox don't count as wishes!
[सम्पादयतु]- What should we do to improve the Wishlist pages?
- How would you like to use our new sandbox?
- What, if any, risks do you foresee in our decision to change the date of the Wishlist 2022?
- What will help more people participate in the Wishlist 2022?
Answer on the talk page (in any language you prefer) or at our Talk to Us meetings.
SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) ००:२३, ७ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२१ (UTC)
Call for Candidates for the Movement Charter Drafting Committee ending 14 September 2021
[सम्पादयतु]मूवमेंट स्ट्रैटेजी अभियान घोषणापत्र प्रारूप-लेखन समिति के लिए प्रत्याशियों को निमंत्रण की घोषणा करता है। यह निमंत्रण 2 अगस्त 2021 को आरंभ होगा तथा 14 सितंबर 2021 को समाप्त होगा।
अपेक्षा है कि इस समिति में विकिमीडिया अभियान की विविधता प्रदर्शित होगी। विविधता में लिंग, भाषा, भूगोल, तथा अनुभव का समावेश है। परियोजनाओं में, सम्बद्ध संस्थाओं में तथा विकिमीडिया फाउंडेशन में सहभाग लेना इसके अंतर्गत आते हैं।
सदस्य बनने के लिए अंग्रेज़ी का उत्तम ज्ञान आवश्यक नहीं है। आवश्यकता पड़ने पर अनुवाद तथा भाषांतरण की सहायता दी जाएगी। सहभाग लेने के व्ययों की प्रतिपूर्ति के लिए सदस्यों को भत्ता दिया जाएगा। इसकी राशि हर दो माह में 100 यू एस डॉलर होगी।
हम ऐसे व्यक्ति खोज रहे हैं जिनमें निम्नोक्त में से कुछ कौशल हों
- अन्य लोगों के साथ मिलकर लेखन कर सकें (सिद्ध अनुभव को प्राधान्य)
- मध्यमार्ग ढूँढने के लिए तत्पर हों
- समावेशता तथा विविधता पर ध्यान देते हों
- सामुदायिक परामर्श का ज्ञान रखते हों
- आंतर-सांस्कृतिक संप्रेषण का अनुभव रखते हों
- गैर-सरकारी संस्थाओं अथवा समुदायों में संचालन अथवा संगठन का अनुभव रखते हों
- विभिन्न पक्षों से वार्ता करने का अनुभव रखते हों
समिति का 15 सदस्यों से कार्य आरंभ करना अपेक्षित है। यदि 20 से अधिक प्रत्याशी होंगे तो चुनाव और चयन की एक मिश्रित प्रक्रिया की जाएगी। यदि 19 या इससे कम प्रत्याशी हुए तो बिना चुनाव के चयन प्रक्रिया की जाएगी।
क्या आप विकिमीडिया को इस महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका में आगे बढ़ने के लिए सहायता करना चाहते हैं? अपने प्रत्याशी आवेदन यह पृष्ठ पर भेजें। अपने प्रश्नों के साथ strategy2030wikimedia.org पर संपर्क करें।
Xeno (WMF) १७:०२, १० सेप्टेम्बर् २०२१ (UTC)
Server switch
[सम्पादयतु]Read this message in another language • कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
The Wikimedia Foundation tests the switch between its first and secondary data centers. This will make sure that Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia wikis can stay online even after a disaster. To make sure everything is working, the Wikimedia Technology department needs to do a planned test. This test will show if they can reliably switch from one data centre to the other. It requires many teams to prepare for the test and to be available to fix any unexpected problems.
They will switch all traffic back to the primary data center on Tuesday, 14 September 2021.
Unfortunately, because of some limitations in MediaWiki, all editing must stop while the switch is made. We apologize for this disruption, and we are working to minimize it in the future.
You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for a short period of time.
- You will not be able to edit for up to an hour on Tuesday, 14 September 2021. The test will start at 14:00 UTC (07:00 PDT, 10:00 EDT, 15:00 WEST/BST, 16:00 CEST, 19:30 IST, 23:00 JST, and in New Zealand at 02:00 NZST on Wednesday, 15 September).
- If you try to edit or save during these times, you will see an error message. We hope that no edits will be lost during these minutes, but we can't guarantee it. If you see the error message, then please wait until everything is back to normal. Then you should be able to save your edit. But, we recommend that you make a copy of your changes first, just in case.
Other effects:
- Background jobs will be slower and some may be dropped. Red links might not be updated as quickly as normal. If you create an article that is already linked somewhere else, the link will stay red longer than usual. Some long-running scripts will have to be stopped.
- We expect the code deployments to happen as any other week. However, some case-by-case code freezes could punctually happen if the operation require them afterwards.
SGrabarczuk (WMF) (सम्भाषणम्) ००:४५, ११ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२१ (UTC)
Talk to the Community Tech
[सम्पादयतु]Read this message in another language • कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
As we have recently announced, we, the team working on the Community Wishlist Survey, would like to invite you to an online meeting with us. It will take place on September 15th, 23:00 UTC on Zoom, and will last an hour. Click here to join.
- How we prioritize the wishes to be granted
- Why we decided to change the date from November 2021 to January 2022
- Update on the disambiguation and the real-time preview wishes
- Questions and answers
The meeting will not be recorded or streamed. Notes without attribution will be taken and published on Meta-Wiki. The presentation (first three points in the agenda) will be given in English.
We can answer questions asked in English, French, Polish, and Spanish. If you would like to ask questions in advance, add them on the Community Wishlist Survey talk page or send to sgrabarczuk@wikimedia.org.
Natalia Rodriguez (the Community Tech manager) will be hosting this meeting.
Invitation link
- Join online
- Meeting ID: 898 2861 5390
- One tap mobile
- +16465588656,,89828615390# US (New York)
- +16699006833,,89828615390# US (San Jose)
- Dial by your location
See you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (सम्भाषणम्) ०३:०३, ११ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२१ (UTC)
What support do Ancient Languages need?
[सम्पादयतु]Hi all, (apologies for English!)
As part of the ongoing discussions about whether the Ancient Language policy should be changed, I am reaching out to see if we can establish more about the kinds of support that Ancient Language Wikis need. Can you take a look at this page on Meta about support for your project, and leave feedback? --JimKillock (चर्चा) १९:१२, ११ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२१ (UTC)
Select You the question statements for candidates of Drafting Committee Movement Charter
[सम्पादयतु]Into 2021-10-04 11:59:59 UTC you can select question statements for the candidates of Drafting Committee Movement Charter. ✍️ Dušan Kreheľ (चर्चा) ०२:४०, ३० सेप्टेम्बर् २०२१ (UTC)
विकिपीडिया जम्बुद्वीपीयमासः २०२१
विकिपीडिया जम्बुद्वीपीयमासः २०२१ कश्चन ऑनलाइन-एडिट-ए-थान-कार्यक्रमः वर्तते। जम्बुद्वीपीय-विकिपीडिया-समुदायेषु विशेषसामञ्जस्यं वर्धेत इति एतस्य उद्देश्यम्। २०२१ तमस्य वर्षस्य सम्पूर्णं नवम्बर-मासं यावत् एषः कार्यक्रमः भवति। [यूष्माकं भाषायाम्] उच्चगुणवत्तायुक्तानाम्, अधिकाधिकानां च लेखानां निर्माणं स्यादिति संस्कृत-विकिपीडिया-जम्बुद्वीपीय-मासस्य उद्देशः अस्ति। ते लेखाः [यूष्माकं देशं विहाय] अन्यजम्बुद्वीपीयानां देशानां विषये भवेयुः। न्यूनातिन्यूनं चतुर्ण्णां (४) लेखानाम् अथवा अधिकानां लेखानां निर्माणं ये सदस्याः करिष्यन्ति, ते विभिन्न-विकिपीडिया-समुदायेषु मित्रता-प्रतीकरूपेण अन्यप्रतियोगिभिः देशैः विशिष्टतया सज्जीकृतानि विकिपीडिया-प्रेषकपत्राणि (postcard) प्राप्स्यन्ति। प्रत्येकं विकिपीडिया-जालस्य ये विकिपीडिया-सदस्याः सर्वाधिकान् लेखान् रचयिष्यन्ति, ते “विकिपीडिया-जम्बुद्वीपीय-राजदूतः“ इति पुरस्कृताः भविष्यन्ति। -- सुयश द्विवेदी (चर्चा) १६:५२, २१ अक्टोबर् २०२१ (UTC)
सामुदायिक विशलिस्ट सर्वेक्षण 2022
अब 2022 सामुदायिक विशलिस्ट सर्वेक्षणखुल चुका है!
यह सर्वेक्षण के द्वारा समुदाय कम्युनिटी टेक (Community Tech) अगले साल के लिए काम तय करता है। हम आपको २३ जनवरी तक नए प्रस्ताव प्रस्तुत करने के लिए या अन्य प्रस्तावों पर टिप्पणी कर उन्हें बेहतर बनाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करते हैं।
समुदाय २८ जनवरी और ११ फ़रवरी के बीच प्रस्तावों पर मतदान करेंगे।
कम्युनिटी टेक टीम (Community Tech team) अनुभवी विकिमीडिया संपादकों के लिए साधनों पर केंद्रित है। आप किसी भी भाषा में प्रस्ताव लिख सकते हैं, और हम उन्हें आपके लिए अनुवाद करेंगे। आपका धन्यवाद! हम आपके प्रस्तावों को देखने के लिए उत्सुक हैं! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) १८:४३, १० जनवरी २०२२ (UTC)
Feminism and Folklore 2022
[सम्पादयतु]कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
Greetings! You are invited to participate in Feminism and Folklore 2022 writing competion. This year Feminism and Folklore will focus on feminism, women biographies and gender-focused topics for the project in league with Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus with folk culture theme on Wikipedia.
You can help us in enriching the folklore documentation on Wikipedia from your region by creating or improving articles focused on folklore around the world, including, but not limited to folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, women and queer personalities in folklore, folk culture (folk artists, folk dancers, folk singers, folk musicians, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales and more. You can contribute to new articles or translate from the list of suggested articles here.
You can also support us in organizing the contest on your local Wikipedia by signing up your community to participate in this project and also translating the project page and help us spread the word in your native language.
Learn more about the contest and prizes from our project page. Feel free to contact us on our talk page or via Email if you need any assistance...
Thank you.
Feminism and Folklore Team,
Reorganisation of sa-wiki
[सम्पादयतु]Hello everyone, myself CX Zoom. I came here recently to read an article and made a minor edit. Now I really want to improve sa-wiki. The problem is that I struggle to create sentences in Sanskrit, though I am able to read and understand almost everything due to my past training in Sanskrit and Hindi, Bengali. My work will mostly be limited to behind the scenes work in विकिपीडिया, वर्गः & फलकम् namespaces to streamline the processes of sa-wiki. I will reorganise the various project pages in correct categories, and apply to delete those that are of no use in sa-wiki. I'll need your help for that and I hope that we can make sa-wiki better than ever. Thank you! CX Zoom (चर्चा) १३:२१, ३ फेब्रवरी २०२२ (UTC)
- @CX Zoom: Please put some topics or examples. So I can help you. Thanks. ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ १५:१५, ३ फेब्रवरी २०२२ (UTC)
Wiki Loves Folklore is extended till 15th March
Greetings from Wiki Loves Folklore International Team,
We are pleased to inform you that Wiki Loves Folklore an international photographic contest on Wikimedia Commons has been extended till the 15th of March 2022. The scope of the contest is focused on folk culture of different regions on categories, such as, but not limited to, folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, etc.
We would like to have your immense participation in the photographic contest to document your local Folk culture on Wikipedia. You can also help with the translation of project pages and share a word in your local language.
Best wishes,
International Team
Wiki Loves Folklore
MediaWiki message delivery (चर्चा) ०४:५०, २२ फेब्रवरी २०२२ (UTC)
Coming soon
[सम्पादयतु]Several improvements around templates
[सम्पादयतु]Hello, from March 9, several improvements around templates will become available on your wiki:
- Fundamental improvements of the VisualEditor template dialog (1, 2),
- Improvements to make it easier to put a template on a page (3) (for the template dialogs in VisualEditor, 2010 Wikitext and New Wikitext Mode),
- and improvements in the syntax highlighting extension CodeMirror (4, 5) (which is available on wikis with writing direction left-to-right).
- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) १२:३८, २८ फेब्रवरी २०२२ (UTC)
संस्कृतविकि-गुजराताय स्केनर-अनुदानम्
[सम्पादयतु]नमः सर्वेभ्यः, संस्कृतविषयस्य पुस्तकानि सर्वदा शताधिकवर्षेभ्यः पुरातनानि भवन्ति, अतः ग्रन्थालयाः अस्मान् पठितुम् अपि पुस्तकानि न यच्छन्ति, तानि पुस्तकानि विना विषयविस्तारः अतीव कठिनः भवति ततोधिकं लेखे सन्दर्भाणाम् एवञ्च यथार्थतायाः च न्यूनता भवति। अतः गुजरात-प्रदेशस्य संस्कृत-विकि-कार्यकर्तृभ्यः स्केनर-अनुदानय आवेदनम् अत्र कृतम् अस्ति। कृपया स्वसमर्थनं प्रयच्छतु। ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०४:२३, ८ मार्च् २०२२ (UTC)
Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 ends tomorrow
International photographic contest Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 ends on 15th March 2022 23:59:59 UTC. This is the last chance of the year to upload images about local folk culture, festival, cuisine, costume, folklore etc on Wikimedia Commons. Watch out our social media handles for regular updates and declaration of Winners.
(Facebook , Twitter , Instagram)
The writing competition Feminism and Folklore will run till 31st of March 2022 23:59:59 UTC. Write about your local folk tradition, women, folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, folk games, folk cuisine, folk wear, folklore, and tradition, including ballads, folktales, fairy tales, legends, traditional song and dance, folk plays, games, seasonal events, calendar customs, folk arts, folk religion, mythology etc. on your local Wikipedia. Check if your local Wikipedia is participating
A special competition called Wiki Loves Falles is organised in Spain and the world during 15th March 2022 till 15th April 2022 to document local folk culture and Falles in Valencia, Spain. Learn more about it on Catalan Wikipedia project page.
We look forward for your immense co-operation.
Thanks Wiki Loves Folklore international Team MediaWiki message delivery (चर्चा) १४:४०, १४ मार्च् २०२२ (UTC)
Feminism and Folklore 2022 ends soon
Feminism and Folklore 2022 which is an international writing contest organized at Wikipedia ends soon that is on 31 March 2022 11:59 UTC. This is the last chance of the year to write about feminism, women biographies and gender-focused topics such as folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, folk games, folk cuisine, folk wear, fairy tales, folk plays, folk arts, folk religion, mythology, folk artists, folk dancers, folk singers, folk musicians, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales and more
Keep an eye on the project page for declaration of Winners.
We look forward for your immense co-operation.
Thanks Wiki Loves Folklore international Team MediaWiki message delivery (चर्चा) १४:२९, २६ मार्च् २०२२ (UTC)
Coming soon: Improvements for templates
[सम्पादयतु]Hello, more changes around templates are coming to your wiki soon:
The template dialog in VisualEditor and in the 2017 Wikitext Editor (beta) will be improved fundamentally: This should help users understand better what the template expects, how to navigate the template, and how to add parameters.
In syntax highlighting (CodeMirror extension), you can activate a colorblind-friendly color scheme with a user setting.
Deployment is planned for May 10. This is the last set of improvements from WMDE Technical Wishes' focus area “Templates”.
We would love to hear your feedback on our talk pages!
-- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) ११:१४, २९ एप्रिल् २०२२ (UTC)
संपादन समाचार 2022 #1
[सम्पादयतु]अन्य भाषा में पढ़ें • बहुभाषी समाचार पत्र हेतु सदस्यता सूची

नया विषय उपकरण एडिटर्स को चर्चा पृष्ठों पर नए == सेक्शन == बनाने में मदद करता है। इस नए उपकरण के साथ नए संपादक अधिक सफल हैं। आप रिपोर्टपढ़ें सकते हैं। जल्द ही, संपादन विभाग यह सभी संपादकों को 20 विकिपीडिया में पेश करेगी, जो परीक्षण में भाग लेती थी। आप इसे Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion पर बंद कर पाएंगे।
Whatamidoing (WMF) १८:५५, २ मे २०२२ (UTC)
Mass delete these useless templates
[सम्पादयतु]Hi everyone, a few months ago I said that I wish to work to reorganize the backend of Sanskrit Wikipedia, see #Reorganisation of sa-wiki section above. While working on Wikidata, I realised that sa-wiki has many useless templates, that have better local duplicates. The all-purpose local template is फलकम्:अपाक्रियताम्. The following templates, taken directly out of English Wikipedia are unused here, because, 1. CSD criteria of en-wiki doesn't apply here; 2. There are some 30 specific templates and tracking them might be easy for en-wiki with 1050 admins, but tracking 30 of them here isn't easy. The list of templates are listed one in each line below (can be seen in editing view), this will help the deleting administrator to massdelete them by using en:User:Animum/massdelete.js. Just copy the list and paste it at Special:Massdelete after installing the script. Thanks!
फलकम्:Speedy deletion templates फलकम्:Db फलकम्:Db doc फलकम्:Db-a1 फलकम्:Db-a10 फलकम्:Db-a2 फलकम्:Db-a3 फलकम्:Db-a5 फलकम्:Db-a7 फलकम्:Db-a9 फलकम्:Db-c1 फलकम्:Db-catempty फलकम्:Db-csd-notice-custom फलकम्:Db-empty फलकम्:Db-f1 फलकम्:Db-f10 फलकम्:Db-f2 फलकम्:Db-fpcfail फलकम्:Db-f3 फलकम्:Db-f8 फलकम्:Db-f9 फलकम्:Db-g1 फलकम्:Db-nonsense फलकम्:Db-g2 फलकम्:Db-g3 फलकम्:Db-g4 फलकम्:Db-g5 फलकम्:Db-g6 फलकम्:Db-g7 फलकम्:Db-g8 फलकम्:Db-g10 फलकम्:Db-g11 फलकम्:Db-g12 फलकम्:Db-imagepage फलकम्:Db-multiple फलकम्:Db-multiple/item फलकम्:Db-p1 फलकम्:Db-p2 फलकम्:Db-r2 फलकम्:Db-r3 फलकम्:Db-t2 फलकम्:Db-t3 फलकम्:Db-u1 फलकम्:Db-u2 फलकम्:Db-u3
CX Zoom (चर्चा) २२:१६, ३० मे २०२२ (UTC)
- Pinging User:NehalDaveND if you can help. Thanks! CX Zoom (चर्चा) २२:१८, ३० मे २०२२ (UTC)
- we don't have that massdelte page. Please advice. ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०१:५१, ३१ मे २०२२ (UTC)
- @NehalDaveND You can install the script by adding at your common.js page. Then click the red massdelete page above. Wait for about 4-5 seconds, the massdelete page will automatically open. Each line should contain one page only. That's why I listed them one at one line each, can be seen in editing view. Just copy them and paste in the box box. Thanks! CX Zoom (चर्चा) १४:२४, १ जून् २०२२ (UTC)
mw.loader.load('https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&title=User:Animum/massdelete.js'); // Backlink: [[:en:User:Animum/massdelete.js]]
- Speedy deletion templates etc some template may useful. If not please tell me alternate. After your answer I will delete it. ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०३:३३, २ जून् २०२२ (UTC)
- On Sanskrit Wikipedia, फलकम्:अपाक्रियताम् is the default Speedy deletion template according to Wikidata. It maintains the category वर्गः:Delete which contains pages nominated to be speedy deleted. But the 30 templates from English Wikipedia, all maintain separate categories, and it's very difficult to keep track of all that for the few administrators here. One category should be enough to handle all speedy deletions here. CX Zoom (चर्चा) १५:३२, २ जून् २०२२ (UTC)
- Failed deletions: what should do? ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०६:११, ३ जून् २०२२ (UTC)
- I don't have deletion rights here, so I don't know what went wrong. Works fine when I use it on pi: Wikipedia. Plus, the creator of this tool has been inactive since 2016 (6 years!). So, I can't help much here. You can try once again, and if it is still failed, you may have to do that manually, one by one :( CX Zoom (चर्चा) १५:५५, ३ जून् २०२२ (UTC)
- Failed deletions: what should do? ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०६:११, ३ जून् २०२२ (UTC)
- On Sanskrit Wikipedia, फलकम्:अपाक्रियताम् is the default Speedy deletion template according to Wikidata. It maintains the category वर्गः:Delete which contains pages nominated to be speedy deleted. But the 30 templates from English Wikipedia, all maintain separate categories, and it's very difficult to keep track of all that for the few administrators here. One category should be enough to handle all speedy deletions here. CX Zoom (चर्चा) १५:३२, २ जून् २०२२ (UTC)
- Speedy deletion templates etc some template may useful. If not please tell me alternate. After your answer I will delete it. ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०३:३३, २ जून् २०२२ (UTC)
- @NehalDaveND You can install the script by adding
- we don't have that massdelte page. Please advice. ॐNehalDaveND•✉•✎ ०१:५१, ३१ मे २०२२ (UTC)
The Vector 2022 skin as the default in two weeks?
Hello. I'm writing on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation Web team. In two weeks, we would like to make the Vector 2022 skin the default on this wiki.
We have been working on it for the past three years. So far, it has been the default on more than 30 wikis, including sister projects, all accounting for more than 1 billion pageviews per month. On average 87% of active logged-in users of those wikis use Vector 2022.
It would become the default for all logged-out users, and also all logged-in users who currently use Vector legacy. Logged-in users can at any time switch to any other skins. No changes are expected for users of these skins.
- Top of an article
Vector legacy (current default)
Vector 2022
- A section of an article
Vector legacy (current default)
Vector 2022
About the skin
[सम्पादयतु][Why is a change necessary] The current default skin meets the needs of the readers and editors as these were 13 years ago. Since then, new users have begun using Wikimedia projects. The old Vector doesn't meet their needs.
[Objective] The objective for the new skin is to make the interface more welcoming and comfortable for readers and useful for advanced users. It draws inspiration from previous requests, the Community Wishlist Surveys, and gadgets and scripts. The work helped our code follow the standards and improve all other skins. We reduced PHP code in Wikimedia deployed skins by 75%. The project has also focused on making it easier to support gadgets and use APIs.
[Changes and test results] The skin introduces a series of changes that improve readability and usability. The new skin does not remove any functionality currently available on the Vector skin.
- The sticky header makes it easier to find tools that editors use often. It decreases scrolling to the top of the page by 16%.
- The new table of contents makes it easier to navigate to different sections. Readers and editors jumped to different sections of the page 50% more than with the old table of contents. It also looks a bit different on talk pages.
- The new search bar is easier to find and makes it easier to find the correct search result from the list. This increased the amount of searches started by 30% on the wikis we tested on.
- The skin does not negatively affect pageviews, edit rates, or account creation. There is evidence of increases in pageviews and account creation across partner communities.
[Try it out] Try out the new skin by going to the appearance tab in your preferences and selecting Vector 2022 from the list of skins.
How can editors change and customize this skin?
[सम्पादयतु]It's possible to configure and personalize our changes. We support volunteers who create new gadgets and user scripts. Check out our repository for a list of currently available customizations, or add your own.
Our plan
[सम्पादयतु]If no large concerns are raised, we plan on deploying in the week of October 3, 2022. If your community would like to request more time to discuss the changes, hit the button and write to us. We can adjust the calendar.
If you'd like ask our team anything, if you have questions, concerns, or additional thoughts, please ping me here or write on the talk page of the project. We will gladly answer! Also, see our FAQ. Thank you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) ०४:१५, २२ सेप्टेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
Update on Vector 2022
Hello. I'm sorry for not communicating in your language. I'll be grateful if you translated my message. I'm writing on behalf of the Web team working on the new skin, Vector 2022.
We wanted to apologize for the delays in the deployment of Vector 2022. We know many of you are waiting for this eagerly. We have been delaying the deployment because we have been working on the logos. It has taken us more time than originally expected. Once the logos are ready, we will let you know the exact date of deployment. We are planning for either the next (more likely) or the following week. If your wiki doesn't currently have a localized logo, we encourage you to reach out to us and we can help make one.
We invite you to get involved in the project. Contact us if you have any questions or need any help, particularly with the compatibility of gadgets and user scripts. Thank you! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) २३:२४, १९ अक्टोबर् २०२२ (UTC)
विकिपीडिया जम्बुद्वीपीयमासः २०२२
विकिपीडिया जम्बुद्वीपीयमासः २०२२ कश्चन ऑनलाइन-एडिट-ए-थान-कार्यक्रमः वर्तते। जम्बुद्वीपीय-विकिपीडिया-समुदायेषु विशेषसामञ्जस्यं वर्धेत इति एतस्य उद्देश्यम्। २०२२ तमस्य वर्षस्य सम्पूर्णं नवम्बर-मासं यावत् एषः कार्यक्रमः भवति। [यूष्माकं भाषायाम्] उच्चगुणवत्तायुक्तानाम्, अधिकाधिकानां च लेखानां निर्माणं स्यादिति संस्कृत-विकिपीडिया-जम्बुद्वीपीय-मासस्य उद्देशः अस्ति। ते लेखाः [यूष्माकं देशं विहाय] अन्यजम्बुद्वीपीयानां देशानां विषये भवेयुः। न्यूनातिन्यूनं चतुर्ण्णां (४) लेखानाम् अथवा अधिकानां लेखानां निर्माणं ये सदस्याः करिष्यन्ति, ते विभिन्न-विकिपीडिया-समुदायेषु मित्रता-प्रतीकरूपेण अन्यप्रतियोगिभिः देशैः विशिष्टतया सज्जीकृतानि विकिपीडिया-प्रेषकपत्राणि (postcard) प्राप्स्यन्ति। प्रत्येकं विकिपीडिया-जालस्य ये विकिपीडिया-सदस्याः सर्वाधिकान् लेखान् रचयिष्यन्ति, ते “विकिपीडिया-जम्बुद्वीपीय-राजदूतः“ इति पुरस्कृताः भविष्यन्ति। -- सुयश द्विवेदी (चर्चा) ०९:२२, २६ अक्टोबर् २०२२ (UTC)
Community Wishlist Survey 2023 opens in January!
[सम्पादयतु]कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
The Community Wishlist Survey (CWS) 2023, which lets contributors propose and vote for tools and improvements, starts next month on Monday, 23 January 2023, at 18:00 UTC and will continue annually.
We are inviting you to share your ideas for technical improvements to our tools and platforms. Long experience in editing or technical skills is not required. If you have ever used our software and thought of an idea to improve it, this is the place to come share those ideas!
The dates for the phases of the Survey will be as follows:
- Phase 1: Submit, discuss, and revise proposals – Monday, Jan 23, 2023 to Sunday, Feb 6, 2023
- Phase 2: WMF/Community Tech reviews and organizes proposals – Monday, Jan 30, 2023 to Friday, Feb 10, 2023
- Phase 3: Vote on proposals – Friday, Feb 10, 2023 to Friday, Feb 24, 2023
- Phase 4: Results posted – Tuesday, Feb 28, 2023
If you want to start writing out your ideas ahead of the Survey, you can start thinking about your proposals and draft them in the CWS sandbox.
We are grateful to all who participated last year. See you in January 2023!
कृतज्ञतां निवेदयामि ! Community Tech, STei (WMF) १२:५९, १३ डिसेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
Feminism and Folklore 2023
Dear Wiki Community,
Christmas Greetings and a Happy New Year 2023,
You are humbly invited to organize the Feminism and Folklore 2023 writing competition from February 1, 2023, to March 31, 2023 on your local Wikipedia. This year, Feminism and Folklore will focus on feminism, women's issues, and gender-focused topics for the project, with a Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus and a folk culture theme on Wikipedia.
You can help Wikipedia's coverage of folklore from your area by writing or improving articles about things like folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, women and queer folklore figures, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales, and more. Users can help create new articles, expand or translate from a list of suggested articles.
Organisers are requested to work on the following action items to sign up their communities for the project:
- Create a page for the contest on the local wiki.
- Set up a fountain tool or dashboard.
- Create the local list and mention the timeline and local and international prizes.
- Request local admins for site notice.
- Link the local page and the fountain/dashboard link on the meta project page.
This year we would be supporting the community's financial aid for Internet and childcare support. This would be provided for the local team including their jury and coordinator team. This support is opt-in and non mandatory. Kindly fill in this Google form and mark a mail to support@wikilovesfolklore.org with the subject line starting as [Stipend] Name or Username/Language. The last date to sign up for internet and childcare aid from our team is 20th of January 2023, We encourage the language coordinators to sign up their community on this link by the 25th of January 2023.
Learn more about the contest and prizes on our project page. Feel free to contact us on our meta talk page or by email us if you need any assistance.
We look forward to your immense coordination.
Thank you and Best wishes,
--MediaWiki message delivery (चर्चा) १०:२४, २४ डिसेम्बर् २०२२ (UTC)
Editing news 2023 #1
[सम्पादयतु]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
This newsletter includes two key updates about the Editing team's work:
- The Editing team will finish adding new features to the Talk pages project and deploy it.
- They are beginning a new project, Edit check.
Talk pages project

The Editing team is nearly finished with this first phase of the Talk pages project. Nearly all new features are available now in the Beta Feature for चर्चा उपकरण.
It will show information about how active a discussion is, such as the date of the most recent comment. There will soon be a new "विषयः योज्यताम्" button. You will be able to turn them off at Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion. Please tell them what you think.

An A/B test for चर्चा उपकरण on the mobile site has finished. Editors were more successful with चर्चा उपकरण. The Editing team is enabling these features for all editors on the mobile site.
New Project: Edit Check
The Editing team is beginning a project to help new editors of Wikipedia. It will help people identify some problems before they click "परिवर्तनानि प्रकाश्यन्ताम्". The first tool will encourage people to add references when they add new content. Please watch that page for more information. You can join a conference call on 3 March 2023 to learn more.
–Whatamidoing (WMF) (सम्भाषणम्) २३:२४, २२ फेब्रवरी २०२३ (UTC)
Your wiki will be in read only soon
[सम्पादयतु]इस संदेश को अन्य भाषा में पढ़ें • कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
विकिमीडिया फाउंडेशन अपने पहले और दूसरे डाटा केन्द्रों में बदलाव का परिक्षण करता है। इससे यह सुनिश्चित होगा कि विकिपीडिया और अन्य विकिमीडिया विकि किसी विपत्ति के बाद भी ठीक से काम करे। यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि सबकुछ सही काम कर रहा है, विकीमीडिया टेक्नोलॉजी विभाग को एक योजनाबद्ध परीक्षण की आवश्यकता है। यह परीक्षण दिखाएगा कि वे एक डेटा सेंटर से दूसरे डेटा सेंटर पर विश्वसनीय तरीके से जा सकते हैं या नहीं। परीक्षण की तैयारी और किसी अनपेक्षित समस्या के समाधान के लिए कई टीमों की आवश्यकता होगी।
पूरा यातायात १ मार्च पर चालू रहेगा। परिक्षण १४:०० UTC बजे आरम्भ होगा।
दुर्भाग्यवश, कुछ सीमाओं के कारण मीडियाविकि को बदलाव के समय सभी तरह के सम्पादनों को रोक देना चाहिए। हमें असुविधा के लिए खेद है और हम भविष्य में इसे न्यूनतम करने पर काम कर रहे हैं।
सभी विकिज़ लघु समय के लिए पढ पायेगे लेकिन इसे संपादित नही कर सकते |
- आप बुधवार १ मार्च २०२३ को एक घण्टे तक सम्पादन नहीं कर सकोगे।
- यदि आप इस समय के दौरान सम्पादन अथवा सहेजने का प्रयास करेंगे तो आपको एक त्रुटि सन्देश दिखाई देगा। हम आशा करते हैं कि इस समय के दौरान कोई सम्पादन लुप्त नहीं होगा लेकिन हम इसकी प्रत्याभूति नहीं करते। यदि आपको कोई त्रुटि सन्देश दिखाई देता है तो कृपया सब कुछ सामान्य होने तक प्रतीक्षा करें। तब आपको अपने सम्पादन सहेजने चाहिए। लेकिन, हम अनुशंसा करते हैं कि आप अपने परिवर्तनों की एक प्रति पहले ही बना लें,जिसकी शायद जरूरत पड़े।
अन्य प्रभाव:
- पृष्ठभूमि की नौकरियां धीमी होंगी और कुछ को स्खलित किया जा सकता है। लाल कड़ियाँ सामान्य गति से अद्यतन नहीं हो सकती हैं। यदि आपने कोई लेख निर्मित किया है जो पहले से कहीं जुड़ा हुआ है, तो कड़ी सामान्य से अधिक समय तक लाल रहेगी। कुछ लम्बे समय तक चलने वाली लिपि रुकी रहेंगी।
- हम अपेक्षा करते हैं कि कोड परिनियोजन अन्य किसी सप्ताह की तरह ही होगा। यद्यपि, कुछ विषयानुसार कोड यथासमय बन्द रह सकेगा यदि सम्बंधित संक्रिया की तदुपरांत आवश्यकता होगी।
- गिटलैब 90 मिनट के लिए अनुपलब्ध होगा।
Trizek (WMF) (चर्चा) २१:२१, २७ फेब्रवरी २०२३ (UTC)
Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month 2023: We are back!
कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
Hello, dear Wikipedians!
Wikimedia Ukraine, in cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and Ukrainian Institute, has launched the third edition of writing challenge "Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month", which lasts from 1st until 31st March 2023. The campaign is dedicated to famous Ukrainian artists of cinema, music, literature, architecture, design and cultural phenomena of Ukraine that are now part of world heritage. We accept contribution in every language! The most active contesters will receive prizes.
We invite you to take part and help us improve the coverage of Ukrainian culture on Wikipedia in your language! Also, we plan to set up a banner to notify users of the possibility to participate in such a challenge!
ValentynNefedov (WMUA) (talk) 07:58, 1 March 2023 (UTC)
विकिमेनिया २०२३ स्वागत कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुतियाँ
Seeking volunteers for the next step in the Universal Code of Conduct process
As follow-up to the message about the Universal Code of Conduct Enforcement Guidelines by Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees Vice Chair, Shani Evenstein Sigalov, I am reaching out about the next steps. I want to bring your attention to the next stage of the Universal Code of Conduct process, which is forming a building committee for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). I invite community members with experience and deep interest in community health and governance to nominate themselves to be part of the U4C building committee, which needs people who are:
- Community members in good standing
- Knowledgeable about movement community processes, such as, but not limited to, policy drafting, participatory decision making, and application of existing rules and policies on Wikimedia projects
- Aware and appreciative of the diversity of the movement, such as, but not limited to, languages spoken, identity, geography, and project type
- Committed to participate for the entire U4C Building Committee period from mid-May - December 2023
- Comfortable with engaging in difficult, but productive conversations
- Confidently able to communicate in English
The Building Committee shall consist of volunteer community members, affiliate board or staff, and Wikimedia Foundation staff.
The Universal Code of Conduct has been a process strengthened by the skills and knowledge of the community and I look forward to what the U4C Building Committee creates. If you are interested in joining the Building Committee, please either sign up on the Meta-Wiki page, or contact ucocprojectwikimedia.org by May 12, 2023. Read more on Meta-Wiki.
Best regards,
Xeno (WMF) १९:००, २६ एप्रिल् २०२३ (UTC)
Selection of the U4C Building Committee
[सम्पादयतु]The next stage in the Universal Code of Conduct process is establishing a Building Committee to create the charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). The Building Committee has been selected. Read about the members and the work ahead on Meta-wiki.
-- UCoC Project Team, ०४:२०, २७ मे २०२३ (UTC)
नई चुनाव समिति के सदस्यों की घोषणा
[सम्पादयतु]सभी को नमस्कार,
हमें यह घोषणा करते हुए खुशी हो रही है चुनाव समिति के नए सदस्यों और सलाहकारों को ईमेल करें। चुनाव समिति विकिमीडिया फाउंडेशन बोर्ड ऑफ ट्रस्टीज़ के लिए समुदाय- और संबद्ध-चयनित ट्रस्टियों का चयन करने की प्रक्रिया के डिजाइन और कार्यान्वयन में सहायता करती है। खुली नामांकन प्रक्रिया के बाद, सबसे मजबूत उम्मीदवारों ने बोर्ड से बात की और चार उम्मीदवारों को चुनाव समिति में शामिल होने के लिए कहा गया। चार अन्य उम्मीदवारों को सलाहकार के रूप में भाग लेने के लिए कहा गया था।
उन सभी समुदाय सदस्यों को धन्यवाद जिन्होंने विचार के लिए अपने नाम प्रस्तुत किए। हम निकट भविष्य में चुनाव समिति के साथ काम करने के लिए उत्सुक हैं।
विकिमीडिया फाउंडेशन बोर्ड ऑफ़ ट्रस्टीज़ की ओर से,
RamzyM (WMF) १८:००, २८ जून् २०२३ (UTC)
Review the Charter for the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee
[सम्पादयतु]Hello all,
I am pleased to share the next step in the Universal Code of Conduct work. The Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C) draft charter is now ready for your review.
The Enforcement Guidelines require a Building Committee form to draft a charter that outlines procedures and details for a global committee to be called the Universal Code of Conduct Coordinating Committee (U4C). Over the past few months, the U4C Building Committee worked together as a group to discuss and draft the U4C charter. The U4C Building Committee welcomes feedback about the draft charter now through 22 September 2023. After that date, the U4C Building Committee will revise the charter as needed and a community vote will open shortly afterward.
Join the conversation during the conversation hours or on Meta-wiki.
RamzyM (WMF), on behalf of the U4C Building Committee, १५:३५, २८ आगस्ट् २०२३ (UTC)
== Opportunities open for the Affiliations Committee, Ombuds commission, and the Case Review Committee ==
[सम्पादयतु]You can find this message translated into additional languages on Meta-wiki.
अधिकभाषाः • कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करेंHi everyone! The Affiliations Committee (AffCom), Ombuds commission (OC), and the Case Review Committee (CRC) are looking for new members. These volunteer groups provide important structural and oversight support for the community and movement. People are encouraged to nominate themselves or encourage others they feel would contribute to these groups to apply. There is more information about the roles of the groups, the skills needed, and the opportunity to apply on the Meta-wiki page.
On behalf of the Committee Support team,
२०२४ विकिमीडिया फाउंडेशन बोर्ड ऑफ ट्रस्टीज़ चयन नियम पैकेज की समीक्षा करें और टिप्पणी करें।
[सम्पादयतु]सभी को नमस्कार,
कृपया अब से २९ अक्टूबर २०२३ तक विकिमीडिया फाउंडेशन बोर्ड ऑफ ट्रस्टीज चयन नियम पैकेज की समीक्षा करें और टिप्पणी करें। चयन नियम पैकेज चुनाव समिति द्वारा पुराने संस्करणों पर आधारित था और २०२४ बोर्ड ऑफ ट्रस्टीज चयन में इसका उपयोग किया जाएगा। अभी अपनी टिप्पणियाँ प्रदान करने से उन्हें एक सहज, बेहतर बोर्ड चयन प्रक्रिया प्रदान करने में मदद मिलेगी। मेटा-विकी पृष्ठ पर अधिक जानकारी हैं।
Katie Chan
चुनाव समिति के अध्यक्ष
०१:१३, १७ अक्टोबर् २०२३ (UTC)
विकिपीडिया जम्बुद्वीपीयमासः २०२३
विकिपीडिया जम्बुद्वीपीयमासः २०२३ कश्चन ऑनलाइन-एडिट-ए-थान-कार्यक्रमः वर्तते। जम्बुद्वीपीय-विकिपीडिया-समुदायेषु विशेषसामञ्जस्यं वर्धेत इति एतस्य उद्देश्यम्। २०२३ तमस्य वर्षस्य सम्पूर्णं नवम्बर-मासं यावत् एषः कार्यक्रमः भवति। [यूष्माकं भाषायाम्] उच्चगुणवत्तायुक्तानाम्, अधिकाधिकानां च लेखानां निर्माणं स्यादिति संस्कृत-विकिपीडिया-जम्बुद्वीपीय-मासस्य उद्देशः अस्ति। ते लेखाः [यूष्माकं देशं विहाय] अन्यजम्बुद्वीपीयानां देशानां विषये भवेयुः। न्यूनातिन्यूनं चतुर्ण्णां (४) लेखानाम् अथवा अधिकानां लेखानां निर्माणं ये सदस्याः करिष्यन्ति, ते विभिन्न-विकिपीडिया-समुदायेषु मित्रता-प्रतीकरूपेण अन्यप्रतियोगिभिः देशैः विशिष्टतया सज्जीकृतानि विकिपीडिया-प्रेषकपत्राणि (postcard) प्राप्स्यन्ति। प्रत्येकं विकिपीडिया-जालस्य ये विकिपीडिया-सदस्याः सर्वाधिकान् लेखान् रचयिष्यन्ति, ते “विकिपीडिया-जम्बुद्वीपीय-राजदूतः“ इति पुरस्कृताः भविष्यन्ति। -- सुयश द्विवेदी (चर्चा) सुयश द्विवेदी (चर्चा) ११:३४, ३१ अक्टोबर् २०२३ (UTC)
Coming soon: Reference Previews
A new feature is coming to your wiki soon: Reference Previews are popups for references. Such popups have existed on wikis as local gadgets for many years. Now there is a central solution, available on all wikis, and consistent with the PagePreviews feature.
Reference Previews will be visible to everyone, including readers. If you don’t want to see them, you can opt out. If you are using the gadgets Reference Tooltips or Navigation Popups, you won’t see Reference Previews unless you disable the gadget.
Reference Previews have been a beta feature on many wikis since 2019, and a default feature on some since 2021. Deployment is planned for November 22.
- Help page
- Project page with more information (in English).
- Feedback is welcome on this talk page.
-- For Wikimedia Deutschland’s Technical Wishes team,
Johanna Strodt (WMDE), १३:११, १५ नवेम्बर् २०२३ (UTC)
(New) Feature on Kartographer: Adding geopoints via QID
[सम्पादयतु]Since September 2022, it is possible to create geopoints using a QID. Many wiki contributors have asked for this feature, but it is not being used much. Therefore, we would like to remind you about it. More information can be found on the project page. If you have any comments, please let us know on the talk page. – Best regards, the team of Technical Wishes at Wikimedia Deutschland
Thereza Mengs (WMDE) १२:३१, १३ डिसेम्बर् २०२३ (UTC)
Reusing references: Can we look over your shoulder?
[सम्पादयतु]Apologies for writing in English.
The Technical Wishes team at Wikimedia Deutschland is planning to make reusing references easier. For our research, we are looking for wiki contributors willing to show us how they are interacting with references.
- The format will be a 1-hour video call, where you would share your screen. More information here.
- Interviews can be conducted in English, German or Dutch.
- Compensation is available.
- Sessions will be held in January and February.
- Sign up here if you are interested.
- Please note that we probably won’t be able to have sessions with everyone who is interested. Our UX researcher will try to create a good balance of wiki contributors, e.g. in terms of wiki experience, tech experience, editing preferences, gender, disability and more. If you’re a fit, she will reach out to you to schedule an appointment.
We’re looking forward to seeing you, Thereza Mengs (WMDE)
Do you use Wikidata in Wikimedia sibling projects? Tell us about your experiences
[सम्पादयतु]Note: Apologies for cross-posting and sending in English.
Hello, the Wikidata for Wikimedia Projects team at Wikimedia Deutschland would like to hear about your experiences using Wikidata in the sibling projects. If you are interested in sharing your opinion and insights, please consider signing up for an interview with us in this Registration form.
Currently, we are only able to conduct interviews in English.
The front page of the form has more details about what the conversation will be like, including how we would compensate you for your time.
For more information, visit our project issue page where you can also share your experiences in written form, without an interview.
We look forward to speaking with you, Danny Benjafield (WMDE) (talk) 08:53, 5 January 2024 (UTC)
Feminism and Folklore 2024
Dear Wiki Community,
You are humbly invited to organize the Feminism and Folklore 2024 writing competition from February 1, 2024, to March 31, 2024 on your local Wikipedia. This year, Feminism and Folklore will focus on feminism, women's issues, and gender-focused topics for the project, with a Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus and a folk culture theme on Wikipedia.
You can help Wikipedia's coverage of folklore from your area by writing or improving articles about things like folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, women and queer folklore figures, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales, and more. Users can help create new articles, expand or translate from a generated list of suggested articles.
Organisers are requested to work on the following action items to sign up their communities for the project:
- Create a page for the contest on the local wiki.
- Set up a campaign on CampWiz tool.
- Create the local list and mention the timeline and local and international prizes.
- Request local admins for site notice.
- Link the local page and the CampWiz link on the meta project page.
This year, the Wiki Loves Folklore Tech Team has introduced two new tools to enhance support for the campaign. These tools include the Article List Generator by Topic and CampWiz. The Article List Generator by Topic enables users to identify articles on the English Wikipedia that are not present in their native language Wikipedia. Users can customize their selection criteria, and the tool will present a table showcasing the missing articles along with suggested titles. Additionally, users have the option to download the list in both CSV and wikitable formats. Notably, the CampWiz tool will be employed for the project for the first time, empowering users to effectively host the project with a jury. Both tools are now available for use in the campaign. Click here to access these tools
Learn more about the contest and prizes on our project page. Feel free to contact us on our meta talk page or by email us if you need any assistance.
We look forward to your immense coordination.
Thank you and Best wishes,
--MediaWiki message delivery (चर्चा) ०७:२६, १८ जनवरी २०२४ (UTC)
Wiki Loves Folklore is back!
[सम्पादयतु]कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें

Dear Wiki Community, You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2024 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 31st of March.
You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.
You can also organize a local contest in your country and support us in translating the project pages to help us spread the word in your native language.
Feel free to contact us on our project Talk page if you need any assistance.
Kind regards,
Wiki loves Folklore International Team
-- MediaWiki message delivery (चर्चा) ०७:२६, १८ जनवरी २०२४ (UTC)
सार्वभौमिक आचार संहिता समन्वय समिति चार्टर के लिए चार्टर पर मतदान करें
[सम्पादयतु]- आप इस संदेश को मेटा-विकी पर अतिरिक्त भाषाओं में अनुवादित पा सकते हैं। कृपया अपनी भाषा में अनुवादित करने में सहायता करें
सभी को नमस्कार,
मैं आज यह घोषणा करने के लिए आपसे संपर्क कर रहा हूँ कि सार्वभौमिक आचार संहिता समन्वय समिति (यू4सी) के लिए मतदान की अवधि अब खुली है। समुदाय के सदस्य अब 2 फरवरी 2024 तक [SECUREPOLLVOTELINK] मतदान कर सकते हैं और सिक्योरपोल के माध्यम से चार्टर के बारे में टिप्पणियाँ प्रदान कर सकते हैं। आपमें से जिन लोगों ने यूसीओसी प्रवर्तन दिशानिर्देश के विकास के दौरान अपनी राय व्यक्त की है, उन्हें यह प्रक्रिया परिचित लगेगी।
सार्वभौमिक आचार संहिता समन्वय समिति चार्टर का वर्तमान संस्करण अनुवाद के साथ मेटा-विकी पर है।
चार्टर पढ़ें, मतदान करें और इस नोट को अपने समुदाय के अन्य लोगों के साथ साझा करें। मैं विश्वास के साथ कह सकता हूँ कि U4C निर्माण समिति आपकी भागीदारी के लिए तत्पर है।
यूसीओसी (UCoC) प्रोजेक्ट टीम की ओर से
RamzyM (WMF) १८:०८, १९ जनवरी २०२४ (UTC)
A new feature for previewing references on your wiki
Apologies for writing in English. If you can translate this message, that would be much appreciated.
Hi. As announced some weeks ago [1] [2], Wikimedia Deutschland’s Technical Wishes team introduced Reference Previews to many wikis, including this one. This feature shows popups for references in the article text.
While this new feature is already usable on your wiki, most people here are not seeing it yet because your wiki has set a gadget as the default for previewing references. We plan to remove the default flag from the gadget on your wiki soon. This means:
- The new default for reference popups on your wiki will be Reference Previews.
- However, if you want to keep using the gadget, you can still enable it in your personal settings.
The benefit of having Reference Previews as the default is that the user experience will be consistent across wikis and with the Page Previews feature, and that the software will be easier to maintain overall.
This change is planned for February 14. If you have concerns about this change, please let us know on this talk page by February 12. – Kind regards, Johanna Strodt (WMDE), ०९:३०, २३ जनवरी २०२४ (UTC)