सामग्री पर जाएँ

विद्याधर सूरजप्रसाद नैपाल

विकिपीडिया, कश्चन स्वतन्त्रः विश्वकोशः
विद्याधर सूरजप्रसाद नैपाल
V. S. Naipaul
जननम् Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul
(१९३२-२-२) १७ १९३२ (आयुः ९१)
Chaguanas, Trinidad and Tobago
वृत्तिः Novelist, travel writer, essayist
राष्ट्रीयता Trinidadian, British
प्रकारः Novel, Essay
प्रमुखकृतयः A House for Mr. Biswas
In a Free State
A Bend in the River
The Enigma of Arrival
प्रमुखप्रशस्तयः Booker Prize
Nobel Prize in Literature

Patricia Ann Hale Naipaul (1955–96)

Nadira Khannum Alvi Naipaul (1996–present)

विद्याधर: सूरजप्रसाद: नैपाल: (१९३२ - ) त्रिनिदादे (ट्रिनिडाड देशे) जात:। तस्‍य परिवार: मूलत: भारतीय: अस्ति। इदानीं स: विश्वस्य प्रमुखलेखकेषु अन्यतम: अस्ति। स: २००१ तमे वर्षे साहित्यक्षेत्रे नोबल-पुरस्कारं प्राप्तवान्।

तस्‍य अनुज: शिव नैपाल अपि कश्चन: कुशल-उपन्‍यासकाराः आसीत्।





  • The Middle Passage: Impressions of Five Societies - British, French and Dutch in the West Indies and South America (1962)
  • An Area of Darkness- (1964)
  • The Overcrowded Barracoon and Other Articles (1972)
  • India: A Wounded Civilization (1977)
  • A Congo Diary (1980)
  • The Return of Eva Perón (1980)
  • Among the Believers: An Islamic Journey (1981)
  • Finding the Centre (1984)
  • A Turn in the South (1989)
  • India: A Million Mutinies Now (1990)
  • Homeless by Choice (1992, with R. Jhabvala and S. Rushdie)
  • Bombay (1994, with Raghubir Singh)
  • Beyond Belief: Islamic Excursions among the Converted Peoples (1998)
  • Between Father and Son: Family Letters (1999, edited by Gillon Aitken)



