इदं ढाँचा may meet Wikipedia's criteria for speedy deletion as a user page or subpage requested to be deleted by its user. Note that in some cases such pages may need to be retained for administrative purposes. Before deleting, administrators are advised to check the contribution history of such pages to be sure they are not deleting a user talk page that has been moved. अधिकसूचनायै CSD U1 द्रष्टव्यम्।
यदीदं ढाँचा does not meet the criteria for speedy deletion, please remove this notice. Administrators: check links, history (last), and logs before deletion. Consider checking Google: web, news. Bing: web.इदं पृष्ठं was last edited by NehalDaveND (contribs| logs) 9 years ago |
![]() | This template is used by the standard installation of Twinkle. If you are planning to make major changes to this template or nominate it for deletion, please notify Twinkle's user base and maintainers at Wikipedia talk:Twinkle as a courtesy. |
This template is used to tag pages for speedy deletion under the speedy deletion criteria, specifically CSD U1. There is a separate template for each criterion – see the table to the right.
This template places the page into the categories: Candidates for speedy deletion, and Candidates for speedy deletion by user.
The template should be placed at the top of the page to be deleted.
- This is the most basic form of the template.
- Bot accounts will specify the
parameter to notify the reviewing admin that the page was tagged by an automated process.
- Where Diff# is a diff showing where the user requested deletion. This is obviously not required if the user places the template, or if the deletion request is on the listed page