सामग्री पर जाएँ

न्‍यू हेम्‍पशायर

विकिपीडिया, कश्चन स्वतन्त्रः विश्वकोशः
State of New Hampshire
Flag of New Hampshire State seal of New Hampshire
Flag Seal
Nickname(s): The Granite State[]
Motto(s): Live Free or Die
State anthem: Old New Hampshire[]
Map of the United States with New Hampshire highlighted
Map of the United States with New Hampshire highlighted
Official language(s) English
Demonym New Hampshirite, Granite Stater
Capital कन्कर्ड्
Largest city Manchester
Largest metro area Greater Manchester
Area  Ranked 46th in the U.S.
 - Total 9,304 sq mi
(24,217 km2)
 - Width 68 miles (110 km)
 - Length 190 miles (305 km)
 - % water 4.1
 - Latitude 42° 42′ N to 45° 18′ N
 - Longitude 70° 36′ W to 72° 33′ W
Population  Ranked 42nd in the U.S.
 - Total 1,323,459 (2013 est)
Density 147/sq mi  (56.8/km2)
Ranked 21st in the U.S.
 - Median income  $60,441 (6th)
 - Highest point Mount Washington[][][][]
6,288 ft  (1916.66 m)
 - Mean 1,000 ft  (300 m)
 - Lowest point Atlantic Ocean[]
0 ft  (0 m)
Admission to Union  June 21, 1788 (9th)
Governor Maggie Hassan (D)
President of the Senate Chuck Morse (R)[]
Legislature General Court
 - Upper house Senate
 - Lower house House of Representatives
U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D)
Kelly Ayotte (R)
U.S. House delegation 1: Carol Shea-Porter (D)
2: Ann McLane Kuster (D) (list)
Time zone Eastern: UTC -5/-4
Abbreviations NH N.H. US-NH
Website www.nh.gov

संयुक्त राज्‍य अमेरिका देशस्‍य प्रदेश: अस्‍ति.


  1. http://www.nh.gov/nhinfo/fastfact.html
  2. http://www.nh.gov/nhinfo/song.html
  3. फलकम्:Cite ngs
  4. ४.० ४.१ "Elevations and Distances in the United States". United States Geological Survey. 2001. Archived from the original on October 15, 2011. आह्रियत October 24, 2011. 
  5. Elevation adjusted to North American Vertical Datum of 1988.
  6. The summit of Mount Washington is the highest point on the northeastern Northern American Continent.
  7. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Governor, the President of the State Senate is first in line for succession.


State government
U.S. Government
"https://sa.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=न्‍यू_हेम्‍पशायर&oldid=491601" इत्यस्माद् प्रतिप्राप्तम्